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Heil, Ungdomshus! The Question Of Islam
by Theodore Dalrymple (Aug. 2007)
It is the best of faiths, it is the worst of faiths. It is the faith of tolerance, it is the faith of hate. Opinions of Islam in the world could hardly be more diverse or more opposed.
However many times one hears it said that Islam is not a unitary phenomenon – that the Sufis are as different from the Salafists as chalk is from cheese – almost everyone, after pronouncing this caveat, proceeds to speak or to write as if Islam were a unitary phenomenon. This is the great achievement of the Islamists: they have turned the nastiest imaginable form of their religion into the only one that counts for non-Moslems – and for an increasing number of Moslems too. It is as if the Spanish Inquisition had been made the sole legitimate representative of Christianity. […]Personally, I doubt whether the auguries are good. When the now-president Sarkozy asked the second-hand car salesman of Islamic fundamentalism, Tariq Ramadan, whether he believed in the stoning of adulterers (that is to say, not doubt, of the majority of French politicians or their wives), he replied that he was in favour of a moratorium.
New English Review

Hyp, min ganger !

Femi-krini eller Simenon ?
“Den som Ă€r uppfödd pĂ„ Ed McBain har svĂ„rt med pladdret i en Liza Marklund – jag har ocksĂ„ svĂ„rt med omslagen pĂ„ hennes deckare – damen tycks vara enorm egocentrerad och tycker uppenbarligen att hon Ă€r dösnygg; hon Ă€r pĂ„ framsidan i helfigur, pĂ„ baksidan dito och hon finns ocksĂ„ pĂ„ bild pĂ„ omslagsflikarna – jag tycker inte hon Ă€r sĂ€rskilt snygg – mer som en avlĂ„ng hĂ€st i ansiktet. ” Lundgren

Hirsi Ali : IslamŽs realiteter foto ©Snaphanen
“The first group includes those Muslims who leave the faith because they cannot reconcile it with their conscience or with modernity. This group is important for the evolution of the Islamic world because they ask the urgent and critical questions believers usually avoid. Ex-Muslims living in the west are just beginning to find their voice and to take advantage of the spiritual and social freedoms available to them.
The second group is comprised of genuine Muslim reformers, such as Irshad Manji, who acknowledge the theological out-datedness of the Koranic commands and the immorality of the prophet. They tend to emphasize the early chapters in the Koran urging goodness, generosity and spirituality. They argue that the latter chapters wherein Islam is politicized and the concepts of sharia, jihad and martyrdom are introduced should be read in the context in which they were written, some 1,400 years ago.
The third group is made up of those Muslims who support the gradual perpetuation and domination of Islam throughout the world. They use the freedoms offered in democracy to undermine social modernity and, though initially opposed to the use of violence, foresee that once the number of believers reaches a critical mass the last remnants of unbelievers may then be dealt with in violence, and sharia law may be universally implemented. Ayatollah Khomeini used this method successfully in Iran. Erdogan of Turkey is following in his footsteps. Tariq Ramadan, deeply rooted in his Muslim Brotherhood heritage, is devoted to such a program among European Muslims.
The fourth group is the most obvious and immediately threatening. In this group we find a growing number of hard-line Muslims who have defined martyrdom as their only goal. This is an army of young men whipped into a frenzy of suicidal violence by power hungry clergy. These clergy have public platforms and work with impunity from institutions untouched and often funded by national authorities.
The fifth group is largely ineffective and only threatening in their refusal to acknowledge the truth. Here we find the elite clergy who make a show of trying to reconcile Islam with modernity. They are motivated by self-preservation and have no interest in true reform. They take selective passages from the holy books to make a case for a peaceful Islam, ignoring the many passages inciting violence, such as those verses which command the death of apostates.
– It is through the first two of these five groups that progress and reform will come. As for the rest, the western world would be wise to recognize the realities of Islam, a religion laid down in writing over a millennium ago with violence and oppression at its heart.”

Washington Post: My View of Islam

Och vi skall förolÀmpa mera
LÄt oss tÀnka oss följande:
Det finns en religion som Àr heligare Àn andra. Och heligast i denna religion Àr dess profet Muhammed. Han Àr sÄ helig att intet mÄ göras för att krÀnka eller belacka honom. Ty om sÄ sker kommer hans anhÀngare att utbryta i grÄt och tandagnisslan. För att detta inte skall ske skall dÀrför profeten inte förlöjligas.Som kompensation föreligger dock att alla andra religioner och alla andra religionsstiftare och profeter kan förlöjligas. Visserligen blir dessas anhÀngare nedslagna och krÀnkta men inte mer Àn att vad de tÄl. Lars Vilks

Vesselbo: “Indvandringen har aldrig vĂŠret stĂžrre”

klik grafik) Idag kalder fĂŠtre og kusiner sig for “studerende og arbejdssĂžgende”. “Det er en myte at vi har en stram indvandringspolitik. Vi aner ikke hvorfor de kommer, de kommer pĂ„ visum og mange rejser ikke igen“, siger Vesselbo. “24- Ă„rs reglen og tilknytningskravet bliver i vid udstrĂŠkning omgĂ„et.”
17.000 mennesker kommer fra ikke vestlige lande om Äret, ikke mindst kinesere , pakistanere, afrikanere og tyrkere. SÄ er det ét fedt at grupperne familiesammenfÞrte og flygtinge er kraftigt mindsket. Indvandringen er det dobbelte af hvad den var under Nyrup-Jelved. Hvad vil VKO gÞre ved det? Tja, om fem Är mÄ vi enten anvende magt for at smide dem ud, eller bygge en mÊngde nye boliger og give masseamnesti. og udvide skole og sygehuskapaciteten. (FÞlg med i dette i England pÄ Migrationswatch). SelvfÞlgelig er der svenske lÊgestuderende , polske arbejdere og kinesiske atomfysikere imellem, men det er ikke flertallet. Er der andre end mig, der har bemÊrket at det vrimler med kinesere i KÞbenhavn, der ikke ligner turister det fjerneste ? Unge mÞdre med barnevogn. Hvilket viser det kendte: sÄ snart velstanden stiger over et vist niveau i et U land, blir folk akkurat rige nok til at emigrere. Og der er rigtig mange kinesere, indere og pakistanere at tage af!
Hvad siger V, K og DF ? Skal vi lade os oversvĂžmme via visum-emigranter”. Kan vi lige sĂ„ godt stemme pĂ„ de Radikale, der i det mindste er Ă„bne med, at de vil ĂždelĂŠgge landet ? Med den nuvĂŠrende fart, gĂ„r det stĂŠrkt. Hvad skal tyrkere og pakistanere overhovedet have visum til at “studere” her for ? En ladeport stĂ„r Ă„ben.Vesselbo var helt apatisk – vil VKO bare lade stĂ„ til ? Eller skulle vi fĂžrst som sidst holde inde med at udstede turistvisa til 3 verdensborgere, nĂ„r det nu alligevel om 5 Ă„r er umuligt at smide ca. 200.000 mennesker ud ? Inden nĂŠste valg, har vĂŠlgerne krav pĂ„ at vide hvad regeringen tĂŠnker at foretage sig.

I 2006 steg det samlede antal meddelte opholdstilladelser mv. pÄ udlÊndingeomrÄdet for tredje Är i trÊk og
udgjorde 46.543 tilladelser.

HĂžr Vesselbo i P 1 Orientering. Tal fra Ny i Danmark

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