Seneste opdatering: 6/10-07 kl. 1104
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 Today Dutch prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende has Dutch citizen Ayaan Hirsi Ali advised to leave the country and go back to the United States. He said that she shouldn’t come back to The Netherlands for protection. She has long enough known that the Dutch government wanted to stop her protection. Earlier Dutch justice minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin wrote Ayaan Hirsi Ali that she is safe and does not need protection. Den Telegraph via LGF

 Citater fra den politiske skĂžnhedskonkurrence……”Usch och fy ! “

NĂ„r argumenterne  ikke strĂŠkker til, kan man altid ĂŠstetisere virkeligheden bort. Her hedder hjemmebanen Sverige, og her  fĂ„r Politiken-segmentet baghjul. (Jeg ser forresten at jeg nu kan fange et trĂ„dlĂžst  netvĂŠrk der hedder “Jesus-net”. Man kunne mĂ„ske fĂ„ en ny , bedre og kĂŠrligere blog, ved at surfe over pĂ„ det…………)

I Kalmar har vi en kommunfullmÀktigeledamot som har en egen blogg och pÄ denna blogg har man sedan valet 2006 kunnat lÀsa diverse mÀrkliga inlÀgg om sverigedemokraterna. Jag tÀnker hÀr ge prov pÄ denna persons sÀtt att genom förtÀckta ordalag spridda sina Äsikter med ett antal citat frÄn dennes blogg.
 ” Den svenska flaggan blev dock nersolkad av omdömeslösa ledamöter. Det gillar jag inte. SkĂ€ms.”
Min egen kommentar: Vi hade med en liten svensk flagga till första kommunfullmÀktigemötet vi deltog i.
” Efter den hĂ€r dagen kan jag klart konstatera att det lönar sig att vara gris ocksĂ„, i Kalmar alltsĂ„. Lika lyckliga Ă€r förmodligen inte grisarna pĂ„ landet. De i sin tur gĂ„r en sĂ€ker slakt till mötes. Deras stadskusiner Ă€r och förblir under överskĂ„dlig tid ute pĂ„ grönbete och skvĂ€tter lort omkring sig.”
 ” IgĂ„r fick vi Ă„terigen och tyvĂ€rr höra antidemokratisk politik formulerad med hatsprĂ„k. FrĂ„gan det gĂ€llde var naturligtvis ökat antal introduktionsplatser för flyktingar. VulgĂ€rpropaganda och skrĂ€msel Ă€r viktiga delar i en politik som bygger pĂ„ en grundsyn som vĂ€rderar en del liv mindre och en del mer. PĂ„stĂ„dda samband mellan brottslighet och etnicitet blandas med allmĂ€n demonisering av annat Ă€n det “Ă€ktsvenska vĂ€sen” som beskrivs i unkna nationella sjĂ€lvbilder och som luktar murket 1800-tal. Usch.”

Thoralf Alfsson

 Eftersom jeg ikke  behÞver vÊre  diskret, kan jeg godt afslÞre at det er VÀnsterpartisten Birgitta Axelsson Edström, der har en fin lyserÞd blog, der minder om hÄrtÞrrerne  hos en bedre damefrisÞr. Jeg fandt yderligere et kosteligt stykke:

Smutsiga trynen

GÄrdagskvÀllens fullmÀktigesammantrÀde blev ingen rolig historia utan minnet prÀglas helt och hÄllet av genomsmutsig retorik och unkna vÀrderingar. Visst, vi pratade om annat Àn mottagning av ensamkommande flyktingbarn. [..]

Allt Àr vi inte oense om. Det Àr ocksÄ bra att det nya partiet visade sitt rÀtta ansikte. Tydligt. Men usch och fy för att lyssna pÄ elÀndet. Egentligen borde sÄnt anmÀlas.

Det sÀgs att folk med bruna Äsikter mer och mer anpassar sig till det demokratiska arbetssÀttet i representativa parlamentariska församlingar och pÄ det viset maskerar sig. SÄ Àr inte fallet i vÄrt fullmÀktige. Ingen kunde undgÄ att höra vilka vÀrderingar de har. De kan glömma allt vad samarbete heter. SÄn skit vill vi inte ha med att göra. Och alla ska veta att vi kommer att göra ALLT som stÄr i vÄr makt för att se till att de elimineras som parti i nÀsta val.[..]

Nej, jag mÄdde dÄligt, och mÄr fortfarande dÄligt. Ren ondska har aldrig tidigare grinat mig sÄ rakt upp i ansiktet, till rÄga pÄ allt sÄ skedde det frÄn fullmÀktiges talarstol. Smutsiga svintrynen pÄ mÀnniskokroppar klarar jag mig utmÀrkt utan.

HvabeharŽTÞger, Ändelig manicure der vil frem pÄ de bonede gulve ! Dette  skal gÞre det ud for politik.

» Immigration, loss of culture worry nations «

Americans are not the only people on the planet who are wary of immigration and protective of their national culture. So is everybody else.

A wide-ranging “global attitudes” survey of more than 45,000 people in 47 countries released yesterday by the Pew Research Center finds assorted populations are warm to the benefits of global trade. But they’re cool — downright chilly in some cases — toward the toll it could exact on their national identities.

“In today’s rapidly changing world, people from nations rich and poor worry about losing their traditional culture. In 46 out of 47 countries, majorities say their traditional way of life is getting lost,” the poll said.
Some are more worried than others. While 73 percent of American respondents fretted about the trend, the sentiment was more pronounced in Britain, France, Germany and Spain. It was more than 90 percent in South Korea and Bangladesh. Concern for loss of tradition, however, was less strident in many Middle Eastern countries, at 51 percent among Palestinians and 53 percent in Jordan. Sweden, at 49 percent, was the lone exception to the finding.  Wash. Times    Pew Global Attitudes

 »England’s Population Changes Will Make Whites A Minority Group«

The population of some English cities is changing to such a degree, that within several decades, whites will be the largest among ethnic minority groups, according to a new report.Scholars and others here agree that England’s population is growing more ethnically diverse, but they differ on whether various groups are becoming more or less segregated.University of Manchester academics Ludi Simpson and Nissa Finney predict in a report – septb. 2007 –  that in Birmingham, the second largest city in England, the white population will become a minority by 2024 — still the largest group by far, but no longer accounting for a majority of the total population.
The cities of Leicester and Bradford will likely reach the same point in about 30 years, with white residents matched in number by the descendents of immigrants from Africa, Asia and the Caribbean, they say. [..]

In recent years, as tensions have risen between the Muslim community and others in Britain, commentators have frequently warned that some ethnic groups are becoming isolated from the rest of society.Simpson predicts that the white population of England will plateau at around 75-80 percent in a couple of decades, depending on the vagaries of future immigration and the social dynamics of the individual groups. CNS. News

 Senaste nummer av DSM 

HUVUDARTIKELN i det nya numret handlar om ”FÖRLORARNAS KONTINENT”, dvs Europa.  Medan de europeiska befolkningarna minskar och de bĂ€st kvalificerade unga utvandrar, tillĂ„ter vi en massinvandring av okvalificerade mĂ€nniskor frĂ„n muslimska lĂ€nder, som snart kommer att fĂ„ vĂ„ra vĂ€lfĂ€rdssamhĂ€llen att bryta samman. HĂ€rtill kommer att den muslimska vĂ€rlden har upparbetat en ungdomspuckel, vilket erfarenhetsmĂ€ssigt leder till massmord och vars verkningar inte kan undvikas med hjĂ€lp av u-landsbistĂ„nd. Upphovsmannen till dessa dystra förutsĂ€gelser Ă€r den tyske sociologen GUNNAR HEINSOHN vid Universitet i Bremen, som menar att loppet Ă€r kört för Europa.

Efter en presentation av Heinsohns dystopi följer ett samtal lett av dansken LARS HEDEGAARD. LÀs denna sju sidor lÄnga och mycket viktiga artikel i det nya numret av DSM!    DSM   (Heinsohn interviewet pÄ dansk og engelsk her)

 »Daniel Pipes is wrong. Sorry about that« 

Reason magazine ( der  ogsĂ„ har et lĂŠngere  interview m. Fl. Rose) interviewer Hirsi Ali – via Jihad Watch:

When the interviewer asked her if she thought Islam could bring about positive social change in the same way that religious Protestants helped end US slavery, and Catholicism helped end communism in Poland, she responded sharply:
Hirsi Ali: Only if Islam is defeated. Because right now, the political side of Islam, the power-hungry expansionist side of Islam, has become superior to the Sufis and the Ismailis and the peace-seeking Muslims.
Reason: Don’t you mean defeating radical Islam?

Hirsi Ali: No. Islam, period. Once it’s defeated, it can mutate into something peaceful. It’s very difficult to even talk about peace now. They’re not interested in peace.

Reason: We have to crush the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims under our boot? In concrete terms, what does that mean, ‘defeat Islam’?

She doesn’t really answer, except to say that Islam must be resisted at every opportunity, “in all forms, and if you don’t do that, then you have to live with the consequence of being crushed.” She said that she believes we are headed to that point “because the West has been in denial for a long time.” We didn’t deal with the problem when it was easier, and now it’s much worse:

Hirsi Ali: …There is no moderate Islam. There are Muslims who are passive, who don’t all follow the rules of Islam, but there’s really only one Islam, defined as submission to the will of God. There’s nothing moderate about it.
Reason: So when even a hard-line critic of Islam such as Daniel Pipes says, “Radical Islam is the problem, but moderate Islam is the solution,” he’s wrong?

Hirsi Ali: He’s wrong. Sorry about that.

Hirsi Ali: “The problem is not going to go away. Confront it, or it’s only going to get bigger.”

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