Seneste opdatering: 10/10-11 kl. 0103
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Søndagens filosofiske spørgsmĂĄl er, hvad forskellen pĂĄ Hollywood og Politiken og NKR er. Instruktøren “mr.Vitaliy Versace”, har lavet 12 andre film i “Vampyr-genren”, om mafiaen og en titel jeg hæftede mig særligt ved: “Robinson Crusoe -the great blitzkrieg.” “Porno” er græsk og er “billeder eller tekst om prostituerede.” Prostituerede sælger sig selv for penge. Det er latin. Anders Breivik, Cui bono, Politiken? Jeg ser film pĂĄ Filmmuseet….hmm, Cinemateket. Den kommer nok ikke op der. Ræk mig alligevel brækspanden for en sikkerheds skyld. (Protester mod amerikansk film om massakre.)

Det rød-hvide schweiziske flag, nu uden kors

Skriften på væggen.

Major Swiss companies like Swatch, Tissot and Victorinox have removed Switzerland’s cross-shaped flag from their products for the Saudi Arabian market. Swatch and Tissot both replaced the Swiss flag with the words “Swiss Made”. When shown the Swiss cross on some of the company material, staff working for these companies in Saudi Arabia even refused to describe it as a cross, insisting that it was a “plus sign” instead. […] Swiss Companies Removing Cross-Shaped Swiss Flag from Their Products to Appease Muslims

Stjernespækket party hos Ramzan Kadyrov, den tjetjenske ‘king of bling’


Celebrities som Mike Tyson, Vanessa Mae, Hilary Swank og Jean-Claude Van Damme gør vel kun hvad man forventer af celebrities, blamerer sig på en skala der ikke er de fleste forundt. Via Islam Versus Europe (LFPC).

Ramzan Kadyrov, the self-styled warrior king of Chechnya, has enjoyed multimillion-pound birthday celebrations complete with Hollywood actors and superstar musicians. […]

Mr Kadyrov, a devout Muslim, counts former boxing champion Mike Tyson and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin as friends and is an admirer of sports cars and gold-plated weapons. […]

Shocking mobile phone footage from 2010 showed Chechen men shooting women with paintball guns as they walked down the street for not wearing traditional dress. Instead of condemning the attacks, Mr Kadyrov hailed them.

The Kremlin-backed leader of the Russian republic has a fearsome reputation. His personal militia of thousands permeates Chechen society with fear.

More mobile phone footage from 2006, passed around by the perpetrators, showed suspected adulterer Malika Soltayeva having her head and eyebrows shaved before being forced to strip and then beaten. […]

She was then seen being kicked around in the street and made to dance – not by a local gang, but by policemen. […] Star-Studded Bash For Chechen Warlord

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