Seneste opdatering: 28/3-12 kl. 0838
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In its first year, up to 50,000 migrants may have used flaws in the student visa system to come to the UK for work, the public spending watchdog says. MPs have called for the troubled UK Border Agency (UKBA) to “get a grip and fix the way it deals with student visas” after saying the report exposed one of the most shocking examples of poor management leading to abuse. The points-based system was set up without key controls, potentially leading to tens of thousands of migrants entering the UK without any checks as to whether they were attending a college, the National Audit Office (NAO) said.

The critical report added that the under-fire UKBA also does little to ensure that foreign students leave the UK when requests to extend their stay are refused. Addresses for almost one-fifth of more than 800 migrants wanted by the agency were found in just one week at a cost of £3,000 by a contractor hired by the watchdog. 50,000 immigrants used student visas ‘to live and work in UK illegally’, Channel Four.

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