Seneste opdatering: 17/6-18 kl. 1800
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Kirgisisk* taxichauffør pløjer fodboldfans ned. ‘Jeg faldt i søvn ved rattet.’ Derefter ‘spurtede han i søvne.’ 1000 europæiske ofre for invasiv islam siden 2014 (fraregenet tusinder af ofre for den indvandrervold, vi ikke kalder ‘terror.’)

“Kun tĂĄbelige terrorister forklæder sig som flygtninge” (Hans Jørgen Bonnichsen 2015)

Radicalised asylum seekers have murdered or injured more than 1,000 people in terror attacks in Europe since 2014, a new report has revealed. In the past four years, 32 Islamist plots have involved those who had sought sanctuary – or 16 per cent. Three of the potential atrocities were in the UK, including Parson Green tube bomber Ahmed Hassan.

An analysis by academics found 44 refugees had either carried out atrocities or been thwarted before they could bring bloodshed to the streets. European leaders had ‘inadvertently increased the terrorist threat’ as a direct result of their ‘catastrophic’ handling of controversial immigration and open-border policies. He singled out German Chancellor Angela Merkel who sparked fury by throwing open the doors to Syrian refugees, leading to an influx of more than one million people in 2015. Radicalised asylum seekers have murdered or injured more than 1,000 in terror attacks in Europe since 2014, More Than 1,000 Europeans Murdered, Maimed in Attacks by Islamist Asylum Seekers Since 2014.(*Kirgisistan er 91 procent sunni muslimsk)

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