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“The EU is a totalitarian, bureaucratic cancer”

Det er i overmorgen den 5 juli, EU Parlamentet stemmer om artikel 13 og en radikal forandring af internettet,  der kan gÞre blogs som denne umulige at lave og Êndre vilkÄrerne for ytringsfrihed i Europa grundlÊggende.

‘Copyright’ er et skalkeskjul, sigtet med loven er politisk. EU ved bedre end nogen andre, at uden sociale medier var Sverigedemokraterne ikke kommet i Riksdagen, Brexit, Italien og Trump afstemningerne var forlĂžbet anderledes. NĂ„r Merkel bliver vĂŠltet, bliver det af presset nedefra. EU skal ikke nyde noget af den slags folkeligt demokrati i fremtiden, hvis de kan forhindre det. EU har i det hele taget kun dĂ„rlige erfaringer med demokrati.

Tavsheden i europĂŠisk MSM har vĂŠret nĂŠrmest ĂžredĂžvende. Man mĂ„ slutte, at de hellere end gerne vil af med uautoriserede politiske meninger, som ikke er lyserĂžde. Italiensk Wikipedia er lukket i protest over artikel 13. Bliver den vedtaget, “kan de ikke fortsĂŠtte.”

The UK Independence Party (UKIP) is backing the ‘Save Your Internet’ campaign, revealing Tuesday how they are fighting the European Union’s (EU) latest attempt to “destroy the capacity for free speech” online, known as Article 13 and the ‘link tax’ Article 11.

The unelected European Commission has been quietly pushing the laws – called the Proposal for Copyright Directive in the Single Digital Market – that could force online platforms to monitor and control all uploads with “content recognition technologies”.

Alternative news providers and blogs may also be hit by plans for a “link tax” which could compel them to pay just to reference content and therefore hand the well-resourced mainstream media an advantage.

UKIP MEP and party leader Gerard Batten promised Monday to make it “the Party of Freedom, Free Speech, [and] Pride in Britain” and said of the proposed EU laws in a statement on Tuesday:

“The world of online publication is changing faster than existing law can catch up. There is a case for protecting the legitimate rights of authors but the proposed Directive is not it.

“The great danger is that it will destroy the capacity for free speech on the internet and social media, which has exploded in recent years and is an invaluable alternative to the so-called mainstream media. Article 13: UKIP Joins Pro-Free Speech #SaveTheInternet Fight, Forces EU Parliament Vote

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