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Reading: Terrordræbte var homoseksuelle

“De ønskede ligestilling for alle” og døden er den store ligestillingskonsulent. Man skulle tro, døden var svensker.

“James, a proud gay man, wanted equality for all,” a loved one wrote in a local paper’s condolences book. “[He] was at Reading Pride year in year out and was a strong advocate for the [Black Lives Matter] movement.”

The second Reading attack victim, Joe Ritchie-Bennett, 39, was an American from Philadelphia who had lived in Britain for the past 15 years and worked at a Dutch pharmaceutical company. His late husband, Ian, 32, died in December 2014 after a short battle with cancer. “I’m happy for them that they’re back together,” a friend told the Inquirer. Pink News Reading terror attack victims were beautiful and proud members of the LGBT+ community who wanted equality for all

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