Seneste opdatering: 19/10-12 kl. 0106
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Skrevet om dokumentaren: Israeli outsider turns camera on Europe’s Muslim outsiders. Israel Filmcenter: In Europe’s Backyard, Islamization of Europe – mythical or real threat? Fear and loathing of Islam on Israel’s Channel 10

Under dĂŠkke af at vĂŠre arabere trĂŠnger de to israelske journalister dybt ind i muslimske samfund i Europa og skaber en rystende gyser, der skal have fremkaldt en vis ‘schadenfreude’ i Israel. Politikerne er ikke alle sĂ„ dumme, som de lyder. De er rĂŠdselsslagne for det uhyre, de har skabt, de er blevet gidsler af deres egne handlinger, og de tĂŠnker nu “lad det venligst eksplodere efter min tid.” Men som bormesteren i Montfermeuil siger: “Hvis vi vĂŠlger at appease disse voldelige krĂŠfter, sĂ„ har vi med sikkerhed tabt, og meget hurtigt.” Indenrigsminister Vall er ikke skrĂŠmt, han ved at hans parti vinder pĂ„ indvandrerstemmer, sĂ„ han vil gĂžre flere til franske statsborgere. DR og SVT burde pĂ„lĂŠgges at sende den, det er om noget ‘en must see.’ Fantastisk, men ikke ganske uventet, at en israeler skal lave en ĂŠrligere film om MalmĂž end SVT.

Jeg havde kig pĂ„ den for nogle mĂ„neder siden, men fĂžrst nu er det hebraiske blevet undertekstet. FĂžrste stop er MalmĂž, og det er et noget andet billede man ser, end SVT nogensinde har formidlet. Blandt mange andre medvirker Pierre Cassen og Lars Hedegaard. Minut 15:20 bevĂŠger den sig til Frankrig, og 21:50 vender den tilbage til MalmĂž igen. Det er en barsk omgang, der skal samles krĂŠfter indtil afsnit to kommer. Se den, min fornemmelse er, at den aldrig kommer pĂ„ nogen europĂŠisk TV kanal. Via: Europe’s Takeover by Islam, Part 1

This is the first part of a four-part Israeli documentary by Zvi Yehezkeli and David Deryi about the Islamization of Europe. It has been translated from the Hebrew and subtitled in English. The filmmaker is an Arabic-speaking Israeli whose appearance and flawless Arabic accent were sufficient to allow him to mingle freely with the Muslims in several “no-go zones” in Sweden and France, and to get an inside look at the Islamic mindset within the greater European community.


Hvad med en Nobel-konfliktpris?

EU sender det tunge skyts af sted, nÄr Nobels fredspris skal overrÊkkes i Oslo.Prisen vil blive modtaget af kommissionsformand José Manuel Barroso, EU-prÊsident Herman Van Rompuy og af Martin Schulz, EU-Parlamentets formand.

Af Theodore Dalrymple

MY friend Peter Bauer, the distinguished development economist who died in 2002, used to say that the only true unemployment in a modern economy was among satirists: for satire in the modern world was prophecy. You had no sooner to think of an absurd idea than for someone somewhere to make it the basis of policy.

The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the EU, however, shows that the spirit of satire is not quite dead: for surely the present state of the continent can hardly have escaped the notice of the committee that awarded the prize. It is a bit like awarding the prize in economics to Bernie Madoff or that in medicine to Harold Shipman, the British doctor who found a way of killing 200 of his patients without detection.[..]

Thanks to the EU, Europe faces a stark choice between the Scylla of debauching its currency, with all the dislocations that rapid and perhaps uncontrollable inflation brings in its wake, or the Charybdis of fiscal rectitude that will strangle the economies of those countries whose government plays a predominant role in the economy. It is obvious that the interests of the creditors and the debtors in this situation are not the same, to put it mildly; and also that, for very obvious economic and historical reasons, Germany is not very keen on the mutualisation of debts or their elimination by means of inflation. The situation is ripe for deep but unresolvable conflict: Germany is strong enough to block the wishes of the other debtor states but not strong enough to impose its will on them.

In any case, solutions imposed on or by Germany are not to be recommended. Whatever solution, or rather policy, is chosen, it cannot be democratically acceptable to every country in Europe: the will of some country or countries must prevail over others. This is not a recipe for peace. Transfer payments between regions of countries are already tearing them apart. Catalonia wants to secede from Spain and Flanders from Belgium, but the recipients of Catalonia’s and Flanders’ largesse do not want them to secede. Yet what has been created in Europe is a Greater Belgium, to which indeed it would be a good idea to change the name of the European Union: the GB instead of the EU.

The Greater Belgium is the best we can hope for, with its interminable but peaceful quarrels over language and subsidies from productive to unproductive parts. More likely we will get Yugoslavia, with nasty little wars to re-establish national sovereignty. If there were a Nobel prize for the creation of conditions for conflict and war, then it could be awarded to the EU without irony or satire. If there’s a Nobel for strife, perhaps EU should win that too

En sĂ„dan pris kommer jo ikke, men til gengĂŠld kommer der en anden ret tiltrĂŠngt “Nobelpris”: Iran To Award “Islamic Nobel” For Muslim Scientists Only

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[…] bringer dem, efterhĂ„nden som de bliver undertekstet pĂ„ engelsk, den fĂžrste her Like this:LikeBe the first to like […]

11 years ago

Nu förstĂ„r jag! Och – Charles Martel? Poitiers 732 e Kr? Kan han Ă„teruppstĂ„? Om namnet, platsen och Ă„rtalet inte Ă€r bekant, vĂ€nligen slĂ„ in det pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller titta i en uppslagsbok. KĂ€re Charles i din himmel – vi Ă€r för sent ute!
Detta israeliska reportage kommer ALDRIG att visas i svensk TV, var sÄ sÀkra!
Blunda pÄ. Jag har slutat hoppas.


[…] israelske dokmentar. Del 1 er her, del 2 er […]


[…] Se omtalen af fĂŠrste afsnit af den iraelske dokumentar her. […]

Ole Burde
Ole Burde
11 years ago

Det er svĂŠrt at forestille sig den israelske tv journalist rende frit rundt i fjendeland uden at have en eller anden form for bevĂŠbnet opbakning som plan B . Det er endnu svĂŠrere at forestille sig hvordan det har kunnet lade sig gĂžre at fĂ„ ”opbakningen” til at smelte naturligt sammen med resten af fjendelandskabet . FrĂŠkhed er kodeordet , den slags frĂŠkhed som en Con-man i verdensklasse bruger til at sĂŠlge eifeltĂ„rnet for 50 mill dollars , eller mĂ„ske nĂŠrmere den slags som Cortez udviste da han tog den Aztekiske kejser som gidsel imidt i hans millionby-hovedstad . LĂŠg… Read more »

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