Seneste opdatering: 11/12-13 kl. 0203
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Alene i Münsterland 27 vandaliseringer siden september. Gewalt gegen Bildstöcke und Kreuze, Das Tecklenburger Land bringt seine Heiligen in Sicherheit. Weitere Kirche in München mit “Allah ist größer” und “Heiliger Krieg” beschmiert. I Augsburg er flere kirker smurt til med jihadistisk grafitti. Ser man på det samlede antal angreb på kristne i Europa, på præster, processioner, kirkegårde og kirker, er indtrykket skræmmende. Den fuldstændige nedbrænding af en kirke i Garbsen, har nordiske medier overhovedet ikke noteret sig. Islam i Europa kan ikke fremvise et tilnærmelsesvist lignende antal brændte moskeer og overfaldne i imamer. Når voldsregnskabet mellem islam og kristendom i Europa står 50/50, så har vi først balladen.

Finkielkraut: ‘There Is a Clash of Civilizations’

Finkielkraut: I am pained to see that the French mode of European civilization is threatened. France is in the process of transforming into a post-national and multicultural society. It seems to me that this enormous transformation does not bring anything good.

Finkielkraut: The lower middle classes — the French that one no longer dares to call Français de souche (ethnic French) — are already moving out of the Parisian suburbs and farther into the countryside. They have experienced that in some neighborhoods they are the minority in their own country. They are not afraid of the others, but rather of becoming the others themselves.

Finkielkraut: The left wanted to resolve the problem of immigration as a social issue, and proclaimed that the riots in the suburbs were a kind of class struggle. We were told that these youths were protesting against unemployment, inequality and the impossibility of social advancement. In reality we saw an eruption of hostility toward French society. Social inequality does not explain the anti-Semitism, nor the misogyny in the suburbs, nor the insult “filthy French.” The left does not want to accept that there is a clash of civilizations.

Finkielkraut: I become sad and feel a growing sense of anxiety. Optimism would seem a bit ridiculous these days. I wish the politicians were able to speak the truth and look reality in the face. Then, I believe, France would be capable of a true awakening — of contemplating a policy of civilization. French Philosopher Finkielkraut: ‘There Is a Clash of Civilizations’ Interview Conducted by Mathieu von Rohr and Romain Leick

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Jørgen Duus
Jørgen Duus
10 years ago

Ja. Det multikulturelle samfund er i sandhed et mønsterland.

kurt Rosenstrøm
kurt Rosenstrøm
10 years ago

Selvfølgelig er det et sammenstød mellem civilisationer. Og som ved Den franske Revolution, vil det sikkert blive fra Frankrig oprøret kommer. Og når man ser på hele udviklingen i Europa, er det fantastisk at politikerne bliver ved med at lukke øjnene. Det er virkelig humanismens elendighed. Godheden ødelagde Europa.

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