Seneste opdatering: 25/4-23 kl. 1222
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Hvem har en klemme pÄ danske journalister, sÄ de lader folk invalidere og dÞ?

NĂ„r eller hvis sandheden om vaccinerne og ‘pandemien’ engang kommer frem, bĂžr vi huske danske politikere og mediers kyniske, skammelige bestrĂŠbelser pĂ„ at skjule den. IsĂŠr naturligvis de, der blev ramt pĂ„ liv og helbred. Befolkningens tillidstab bĂžr svare til disse menneskers svigt.

Karl Lauterbach did so amid a growing wave of reporting on vaccine injuries in the German press – a wave which his statements have now turned into a tsunami. In the weeks since, vaccine injuries and side effects have become the dominant theme of German press coverage on the injections, from local papers to national media.
It’s been a serious shift, the likes of which I’m not sure has unfolded in any other country. To give you a taste of it, I’ve assembled a representative selection of stories from the last eight weeks or so, in roughly reverse chronological order. As you read through them, remember that these are all links to publications read by ordinary people; I’ve excluded all media with overt covid-sceptic associations.

From the national tabloid BILD:

He lost his sight: Dietmar S. sues BioNTech for 150,000 Euros.Dietmar S. became as good as blind in his right eye following covid vaccination. Now the case is going to trial.

From Der Spiegel:

“The problems are hushed up”: Marburg cardiologist Bernhard Schieffer treats people who suffer from long-term symptoms after covid vaccinations. He criticises the lack of support – and Health Minister Karl Lauterbach.

From the Hessische/NiedersÀschsische Allgemeine, a regional paper:

Post-Vac: “My life is no longer like before” – Sick after covid vaccination.Almost five million people in Hesse have been vaccinated against covid-19. Some have developed serious illnesses afterwards. One of them is Dieter Gebert from Kassel.

From the local Frankfurter Neue Presse:

Lupus after covid vaccination: A young woman from Hesse is treated in special Cologne clinic. 19-year-old Juline from Butzbach was severely injured by a corona vaccination and now requires expensive immunoadsorption.

From the state media behemoth ZDF:

Covid vaccine injury: Do manufacturers face liability? Anyone who has suffered vaccine damage can take action against the vaccine manufacturers and apply for state benefits. But the hurdles for compensation are high.

From tagesschau, a major state media news service:

Soon the first lawsuits will start: Across Germany, there are almost 200 civil lawsuits against corona vaccine manufacturers like BioNTech. The plaintiffs claim to have been harmed by the vaccination.

From the regional SchwÀbische Zeitung:

Injection with an aftermath: A man from Sigmaringen suffered a stroke after covid vaccination. Shortly after the second jab, Bernhard Strobel collapsed. He still feels the consequences today. Now he is going to court.

Again from BILD:

VACCINE INJURY! 1ST CASE BEFORE THE COURT: Oxana G. (35) is wheelchair-bound following covid vaccination.

Across Germany, 185 civil lawsuits are pending because of damages caused by corona vaccinations. Oxana G. (35) is one of the injured parties. The fact that the courts are finally dealing with her case is already seen as a success by the woman from Halle: “I have lost my life – as I knew it before. I hope that my family and I will finally receive compensation and help.”

From hessenschau, a publication of the regional Hessischer Rundfunk:

Sick following covid vaccination: Why official points of contact [for the vaccine injured] are necessary. Around 5 million people in Hesse have been vaccinated against corona. Some have become seriously ill as a result of the vaccination. Those affected often fail in their search for medical expertise; they feel abandoned by the health system and the state.

From Die Zeit, Germany’s largest weekly newspaper:

What we know about covid vaccine injury: Karl Lauterbach has promised victims of vaccine damage faster help – and caused confusion about how common it is in the first place. The state of the question.

From the Berliner Zeitung:

Covid vaccine researcher: “Allegations must be investigated immediately.” Vaccine researcher Carlos A. Guzmán talks about the benefits, limitations and side effects of the covid vaccine – as well as allegations of inconsistencies in the approval process.

From the Bamberg-based news portal inFranken:

Pensioner (87) dies eight months after covid vaccination – his son’s lawsuit fails. After an elderly man died within a few months of covid vaccination, his son filed a lawsuit against the doctor. He has now failed before the Landgericht.

Again from ZDF:

The suffering of covid vaccine victims: Long-term complaints can occur following a corona infection. Vaccination is supposed to protect against this – but it can also have side effects. What’s next for the vaccine-injured?

From Tagesspiegel:

Possible heart damage after covid vaccination: Woman sues BioNTech for damages. The company is facing its first civil lawsuit for alleged damages caused by the corona vaccine. The trial is scheduled to begin on 15 March at the Frankfurter Landgericht.

Vaccine injuries become the dominant theme of German reporting on the mRNA injections

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Borgens politik er en almindelig dÞdsÄrsag
Borgens politik er en almindelig dÞdsÄrsag
11 months ago

Hyklernes hĂžjborg har en stor klemme pĂ„ MSM. DR, TV2 og alle aviserne er afhĂŠngige af de tilskuds milliarder som partierne og regeringen forĂŠrer dem, til gengĂŠld for at de bedrager og manipulerer lytterne, seerne og lĂŠserne 24/7/365. HĂžjborgen er i gang med folkeudskiftning og folkemord, og oveni en blodrĂžd omstilling af samfundet som paces og drives frem med co2 propaganda som bygger pĂ„ forfalsket videnskab. Oveni igen kommer en covid- og “vaccine” propaganda som er 100% uĂŠrlig. Plus at man er ved at destruere infrastrukturen, sĂ„ hospitalerne er i den vĂŠrste krise nogensinde, mens forsvaret, den sociale velfĂŠrd og… Read more »

11 months ago

Det kan nĂŠppe siges bedre!
Vel talt.

11 months ago
Reply to  Anders
11 months ago
Reply to  Nielsen

– sĂ„ mĂ„ videoen jo vĂŠre god.

11 months ago

Den enkelte journalist ved godt, hvad Mette kan og vil gþre, hvis de er ‘frékke’.

11 months ago

“Hvem har en klemme pĂ„ danske journalister, sĂ„ de lader folk invalidere og dĂž?” Du skrev jo selv for ikke sĂ„ lĂŠnge siden om en journalist som pĂ„ facebook fortalte om en ordre givet til tv2 fra regeringen, om at holde kĂŠft om vaccine bivirkningerne. Det var vist i forbindelse med en dokumentar der blev aflyst eller lign. Jeg gider ikke finde den frem til dig nĂ„r du censurerer mine indlĂŠg, men det er jo Ă„benlyst at der gĂ„r en lige telefonlinje fra regeringens fĂžrerbunker til medierne i danmark. Du HAVDE altsĂ„ en whistleblower, mĂ„ske endda med beviser, og du… Read more »

Last edited 11 months ago by Poul
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