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En moderne amerikansk tragedie med flere døde end under borgerkrigen

Testifying in front of the Arizona State Legislature, Dr. @P_McCulloughMD presented three separate sources that concluded the same thing: hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their lives to the COVID vaccines.

Dr. McCullough ser jeg som en af de mest pålidelige kilder til oplysning om vaccinerne. Han når frem til nogenlunde samme resultat som efterhånden flere andre – mellem 600.000 og en million på to år – og han forklarer i det korte klip også vanskelighederne ved at nå fremtil pålidelige tal. Der er et andet klip med McCullough: “My Clinical Practice Is Completely Full of Patients Who Have Suffered Grave Vaccine Injuries”. Hele høringen er her og varer  minut 41:25.

Bill Gates 2021: The next pandemic: Marburg?

Jeg citerede for en uge siden to forfattere om en eventuel kommende Marburg virus. En dødelig men meget lidt smitsom virus i familie med Ebola. Den har aldrig slået nogen ihjel i USA, og meget få i verden. I dag føjes der mere viden til betragtningerne forleden.

United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) har nu meddelt, at der ikke desto mindre er udviklet en vaccine imod den og en PCR test for den. I en grundig artikel kommer journalisten og analytikeren Mike Whitney ind på den seneste udvikling. Den indeholder også videos med afdøde dr. Rashid Bhuttar og Sasha Latypova, og den hedder Marburg – Genocide or Nothingburger? “Prepare for a Disease Deadlier than Covid”:

Dr Rashid Buttar; Soothsayer or Crackpot?

This is the warning that Buttar delivered on his Rumble channel in the weeks preceding his death. According to the Doctor, the modified mRNA vaccines contain components that act like “sleeper cells” that lie dormant until a catalyst releases their toxic payload. Here’s a quote from a recent interview:

People ask me if there will be a second wave, and I say, “Of course, there will be a second wave, but it won’t be from the virus, it will be from the vaccine injury……

There are things within the vaccine that are designed to create a detrimental effect when they want it to create a detrimental effect… (It’s) like a ‘sleeper cell’ in your body… that can be triggered by a signal or chemical or (something else) that can activate the sleeper cell.

One of the three pathogens contained (in the sleeper cell) is Marburg that creates a hemorrhagic fever …which according to Google has an 88% mortality which means that 88 out of 100 people who get it will die…. Once the Marburg payload is released, millions of people will die…

I expect this will happen sometime this year. …There’s a payload of pathogens that have been introduced to the body like a sleeper cell waiting to be triggered by an electromagnetic pulse… that will cause the hydrogel to release the payload (carried by vaccinated people) that will mean certain death…Dr. Rashid Buttar, Millions will be Affected, Rumble

Forfatteren skriver:

Dr. Buttar anticipates a global genocide more catastrophic than any event in history

Unfortunately, I have no way of confirming whether he is right or wrong. So, I remain agnostic on Buttar’s conclusions, but I think they are worth considering all the same.

Som bekendt har kriminelle WHO, der allerede har slået milloner ihjel, sammen med EU nu et “digitalt sundhedspas” parat, der kan rulles ud når som helst. Det bliver formentlig i løbet af sommeren. Så er alt klar til den næste “pandemi”, og det kan meget vel være Marburg, der slippes løs til efteråret.

Det vigtige til efteråret vil være ikke at tage den tilbudte vaccine under nogen omstændigheder. Dr. Campbell har en særlig, syrlig kommentar til Sundhedspasset, der da også vil blive starten på vores digitale slaveliv, hvor hele er under kontrol i en database, hvis ejere ingen kender.

Og Bill Gates – storaktionær i vacciner – skrev rigtig nok på Gavi-vaccines work – en mistænkeligt, profetisk artikel med overskriften The next pandemic: Marburg?

Andre anbefalinger fra idag:

Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents

En million fostre i Europa er forblevet ufødte på grund af vaccineskader. Pfizer har noteret alle de mulige  skader på kvinder iskoldt, og Wolf kalder dem værre en dr. Mengele. Som bekendt udgør skader på kvinder 70% af alle, og af dem er skader på reproduktionen langt de overvejende. Det viser, mener Wolf, at der er en depopulationsdagsorden. Natasha Latypova  er overbevist om det samme, og det er to kvinder, det er svært at afvise.

There is no political left; what appears like leftism today is BlackRock, the WEF, & the CIA engaged in left cosplay

Funeral Insider’s Account of Rising Suicides and Death Spike Amidst Lockdowns and ‘Vaccination’

In an exclusive interview with RAIR Foundation USA, Linda, a woman with years of experience in the funeral industry, shared her unique observations and insights into the trends of death during the pandemic. Linda discusses how implementing lockdowns led to unexpected surplus deaths, with suicides and drug overdoses surpassing Covid related fatalities. Furthermore, Linda brings attention to a troubling pattern of heightened mortality rates among demographics traditionally considered less susceptible, including infants. These concerning developments appear to coincide with the timeline of vaccine campaigns and the introduction of booster shots.

As the lockdowns and mask mandates continued, Linda noticed a disturbing rise in suicides, particularly among young people. She observed that the age group affected by drug overdoses ranged from teenagers to individuals in their 40s, with a predominance of male victims. The restrictions seemed to exacerbate mental health issues and substance abuse problems, leading to tragic consequences.

Linda discusses other peculiarities she noticed, such as an increase in deaths among individuals in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, surpassing the number of elderly deaths. Additionally, she mentions the emergence of what she calls “Turbo cancer,” where individuals succumb rapidly to the disease. Linda points out that these observations align with the timeline of vaccine campaigns and booster shots. Se det hele på Rair Foundations

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