Seneste opdatering: 11/4-05 kl. 2237
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som bekendt ligger der forslag i Norge og Sverige, om at indkvotere 40 % kvinder i private selskabers bestyrelser. Jeg har ikke noget fixeret syn pĂ„ dette, men kunne mĂ„ske Ăžnske mig at flere var i stand til at vĂŠlge mellem bĂžrn og karriere – at indse at man ikke kan fĂ„ ALT…………..:
Men may be losing their grip on Swedish politics, but they’re clinging to power in corporations from Volvo to Ericsson — undermining the nation’s image as a world leader in gender equality.
Though Sweden has one of Europe’s highest rates of women in the work force — 79 percent — and half of the Cabinet is female, the nation has one of the worst records in promoting women to managers. That imbalance was a big factor behind the launch last week of Sweden’s first feminist political party.

“I think things have gone too far,” said Karin Dagermark, 31, a teacher on maternity leave pushing a stroller in Stockholm. “What’s best for the child is more important than equality. The children need their mom when they are young.”
Many companies already have informal goals on gender equality, including the SEB bank, which targets having at least 40 percent women on all levels of management by September. The bank said it had 38 percent women at senior management level by the end of last year.
However, most corporations balk at the idea of having the government influence appointments with gender quotas.
“If you start with quotas you can end up with a situation where gender is more important than knowledge,” said Marianne Nivert, who heads the board of the Swedish postal service and is one of the country’s most successful businesswomen.


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