Seneste opdatering: 5/12-08 kl. 0156
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Ups: Mega-moské-projektet blev for moderat og vestligt, så den tyrkiske regeringsstøttede organisation DITIB trak den økonomiske støtte tilbage. Som altid skal der mindes om Tayyip Erdogans befriende klare tale: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers” og “assimilation is a crime against humanity” (LFPC).

Apparently crucial for the change of mood among the members is that the DITIB, based in Cologne and coordinating nationwide more than 800 Turkish-Islamic Associations, is becoming increasingly more critical of the project, and declines any financing.

According to observers at the Cologne Türkisch-Islamischen Union der Anstalt für Religion [DITIB, Turkish-Islamic Union for the Institution of Religion], which answers directly to the Turkish government, the Munich project became too open and too liberal. From critics within the board it also becomes apparent that the mosque at Gotzinger Platz [planned location in Munich] was even going to hold prayers in the German language and wanted to intensify the dialogue with the Christian churches.” [Süddeutsche Zeitung, GoVs oversættelse]

In addition, the chairman of the Islam-critical Pro-Köln movement, the 45-year-old lawyer Markus Beisicht responded: “the DITIB lost their democratic and liberal cover, and showed their true face again: Islamist through and through, Turkish nationalist through and through. And above all, this umbrella organization wants to establish the largest ‘splendor mosque’ of all Germany in Cologne! [fra Pro-Kölns website, oversættelse VH på Gates of Vienna]

“Fortæl religiøse ledere, hvad disse svin forsøger at gøre”

Det er ikke kun Krause Kjær og Abdul Petersen der anmelder bøger, de ikke har set:

“I ugerne omkring udgivelsen for nylig af historiker og kommentator Lars Hede-gaards bog ”Groft sagt” er Danmark atter kommet på sigtekornet på en række hjemmesider, der menes tilknyttet terrororganisationen al-Qaeda. Bogen er en samling af Lars Hedegaards stærkt islam-kritiske klummer med tegninger af Kurt Westergaard, der blev kendt for sin karikatur af profeten Muhammed i Jyllands-Posten. ”Lad alle dem, der elsker profeten Muhammed, høre om denne udgivelse, og fortæl religiøse ledere, hvad disse svin forsøger at gøre”, skriver en person, der bruger netnavnet Abu Salem på hjemmesiden Hanein Forum Network, der af eksperter anses for at være et talerør for al-Qaeda.

I kølvandet på Abu Salems opfordring til at sprede nyheden om Lars Hedegaards nye bog har andre og langt mere konkrete trusler set dagens lys på en række såkaldte jihad-hjemmesider.

”Bin Laden, København. Bin Laden, København” blev efterfølgende gentaget på samme hjemmeside. Det er ifølge den israelske terrorforsker Eitan Azani, der dagligt oversætter jihad-hjemmesider, en tydelig opfordring til at udføre eller planlægge et terrorangreb i København.

Al-Hesbah-hjemmesiden, der også sættes i forbindelse med al-Qaedas terrornetværk, offentliggjorde for nylig en rapport fra Jihad Press, hvori Lars Hedegaards bog beskrives som endnu et angreb på islam.

”På grund af muslimers tavshed forbereder Danmark endnu en kriminel handling mod muslimer. En bog, der krænker islam”, står der i rapporten, der er offentliggjort på al-Hesbah. Samme rapport minder læserne på al-Hesbah om, at al-Qaeda i juni 2008 udførte et ”succesrigt” angreb mod den danske ambassade i Pakistan som svar på offentliggørelsen af Muhammed-karikaturerne i 2005. […]  Lars Hedegaard er ikke overrasket.

– Hvad skal man forvente af en totalitær ideologi som islam? Vi har at gøre med muslimer, der er rasende 24 timer i døgnet, og som ikke vil finde sig i noget af det, vi gør her i Danmark. Det gælder vores forsvar af ytringsfriheden, og det gælder også, når vi går ned ad Strøget og drikker en bajer, siger Lars Hedegaard.”  Ny dansk bog vækker terrortrusler

“Man tager sit parti”

I dette forår smækkede hun med døren i Enhedslisten på grund af den megen ballade om den muslimske socialrådgiver Asmaa Abdol-Hamids kandidatur til Folketinget. Rosenkrantz-Theil synes, det var pinligt, at hendes partikammerater vaklede i troen på Asmaa og hendes ærlighed. Partiet forbrød sig ifølge Rosenkrantz-Theil imod sine egne principper. Paradoksalt nok -ifølge hendes egen blog -begyndte Enhedslisten at ligne Socialdemokratiet, der under Nyrups ledelse sidst i halvfemserne kom i tvivl om, hvor partiet stod i udlændingespørgsmålet.  – Jeg er fortsat overbevist om, at hvis Socialdemokraterne havde stået fast dengang, så havde Pia K. ikke haft skyggen af en chance for at stå, hvor hun gør i dag, skrev Pernille Rosenkranzt-Theil i et indlæg på sin blog for tre uger siden. (Ekstra  Bladet om Rosenkrantz-Theil, nybagt socialdemokrat.)

Altså: Hvis ikke Nyrup 14 dage inden valget  2001 havde  taget det emne op, som resten af landet talte om, så var det aldrig gået, som det gik siden ? Sylespids analyse. Det er da  også allerede  ved at gå galt: Hvis Rosenkrantz-Theil vil stille op for S, skal hun rette ind på blandt andet udlændingepolitikken – ellers hun ingen fremtid som S-folketingskandidat.

“De ska gå ut i skolor och informera om att islam är en fredlig religion”

Fredsagenterna ska motverka fördomar mot muslimer ute i skolorna. Westander ska hjälpa dem att få uppmärksamhet i media och i samhället. “Jättekul uppdrag”, säger Olle Schubert på Westander.
Fredsagenterna har funnits sedan år 2006. Sedan dess har studieförbunden Sensus och Ibn Rushd rekryterat runt 200 unga svenska muslimer som ska utbilda andra ungdomar i frågor som rör islam, fred och mänskliga rättigheter.

– De ska gå ut i skolor och informera om att islam är en fredlig religion och att muslimer är för fred. De ska motverka fördomar, både islamofobi och västfobi. Vissa muslimer har en rädsla för västvärlden som kan vara ett hinder till integration, säger Yasin Ahmed, projektledare för Fredsagenterna. Westander hjälper agenter bekämpa islamofobin

Om svensk neutralitet

– “Den litade vi aldrig på. Tro inte att vi hade några illusioner om er, vi visste att ni samarbetade med Nato.”  Kurt Lundgren har et Trevligt möte med charmerande KGB-spion

Peter Whittle: Getting the picture

The saddest thing I heard this week was a comment made to me by a member of the audience I had just been speaking to at Denmark’s Free Press Society in Copenhagen on Tuesday.

‘We worry that Britain is lost, gone,’ the woman said. ‘That is what we are told by other speakers we have had here. We have always looked to Britain as a defender of liberty, ever since the war, but we no longer can. It is not Britain anymore.’

This sentiment was echoed a number of times in different ways that evening, by people who are hugely dismayed and concerned about the in-roads made into freedom of speech by fear of radical Islam, aided and abbetted by a self-hating liberal elite. This is the country, remember, which reaped a whirlwind when one of it’s newspapers, Jyllands-Posten, published cartoons of Mohammed in 2005.

UK colleagues who’ve spoken in other European countries report the same kind of pessimism about this country. It is not difficult to see why. They are very well-informed about developments here. They are incredulous that this country’s foremost religious leader could say that Britain should expect the inevitability of some forms of Sharia law. There is disbelief when they hear that it’s government ministers attempt to rebrand terrorism as ‘anti-Islamic activity.’

Do not give up on us, is what I urged. And on my return I had the chance to test the waters of our resolve again, when on Thursday I took part in a panel discussion, at the SaLon Gallery in London, on the controversy over the exhibition of pictures by artist Sarah Maple. Her self-portraits have resulted in death threats and a brick through the gallery’s window, and she was on the panel to answer questions.

What was depressing was that the other members of the panel – an Islamic studies scholar, a specialist in ‘identity’ issues and an art critic – didn’t seem able (or were reluctant) to fully grasp the basic issue at stake – which is the absolute need for freedom of expression and that there is no such thing as the right not to be offended.

A Muslim lady journalist in the audience immediately went for me, attempting to deflate the issue by citing a theatre production which had been cancelled due to pressure brought to bear by Jewish associations. Interesting this; I can’t be certain, but it does seem that some people automatically assume you must be Jewish, or have an axe to grind, if you are criticising violent Muslim reaction.

It should be encouraging however that the exhibition was not closed down, even if some of the more ‘provocative’ pieces had had to be moved to the downstairs gallery. It should be less encouraging that ITV blurred parts of the ‘offending’ images in a report on the controversy.

Overall, one is struck by the sense of a lack of urgency, and indeed, sheer ignorance about the situation amongst many.

This was well illustrated by a point made by a young guy in the audience. Having exhibited here, he asked, had Sarah ever thought of exhibiting her work in Islamic countries, as a way of opening up the debate further?

And at that, words failed me.    Getting the picture

Video: The Culture Clash panel discuss The Islamist by Ed Hussain, the story of becoming an Islamic extremist at 16 before leaving later. Does it enlighten us about why some young Muslims become extremists?Guests with Peter Whittle are: Dominic Hilton of The New Culture Forum, Author and Journalist Angela Levin and Damian Thompson, Leader Writer for the Daily Telegraph.

Peter Whittle  is a journalist, broadcaster and commentator.

He writes features on the arts and social issues for the Sunday Times, and has also contributed opinion pieces to the Spectator, the Sunday Telegraph, the Los Angeles Times, the Times, the FT and the Independent on Sunday. Alongside this he is a film and theatre critic for the Sunday Times. He is also a columnist on the new Standpoint magazine.

He is a regular guest on BBC 2’s Newsnight Review, appears regularly on Sky News and and has also appeared on ITV’s Tonight Extra and Channel Five News. He is a regular guest on Radio 2’s programme The Weekender and The Green Room, and has also been a guest on Radio 4’s Moral Maze and Front Row programmes. He was also host of the Carlton Cinema Channel. He was the producer and host of Culture Clash, the weekly cultural review show on 18 Doughty Street, the UK’s first internet TV channel.

Why Mock Islam ?

Because it is therapeutic! Mocking is a very powerful way to convince those who are unwilling to think to do it.  Shame is a great motivator.
Muhammad suffered from malignant narcissistic personality disorder. His followers, to the degree that they emulate him, think like him and try to behave like him, have entered into his narcissistic bubble universe and have become narcissists by extension. This happens to all cultists. In all cults, the insanity of the guru reflects on the followers who surrender their intelligence to him and follow him unquestioningly and brainlessly.

The narcissists feel grandiose and self-important. They want to be acknowledged without commensurate merit.  They want recognition and preferential treatment. They expect respect without feeling any obligation to reciprocate. They get their sense of self- importance by putting you down, criticizing you, decrying your world and disparaging your values, but you are not allowed to slight them. It is okay for them to violate your rights, abuse you and even kill you, but you are not supposed to mistreat them in the slightest way.  In fact, they demand privileges that are not available to others. What they want is your submission. That is what Islam is all about – submission.

Never comply

The narcissists are bullies. They should not get what they want or they become emboldened and demand more. They will never be satisfied. The more you give in, the more demanding they become. They can never have enough narcissistic supplies.  It is a mistake to give in to their caprices and comply with their demands.

The narcissist takes himself too seriously. He lacks self-esteem and what he dreads most is humiliation.  For him, image is everything. He attacks you, verbally, physically, or both. He highlights your faults and belittles you. By doing so he feels better about his own failures. He hides behind a false image of self righteousness. That image must be destroyed and the way to do that is through ridicule.

Charlie Chaplin knew the great power of ridicule. A strong opponent of racism, in 1937 Chaplin decided to make a film on the dangers of fascism. As Chaplin pointed out in his autobiography, attempts were made to stop the film being made: “Half-way through making The Great Dictator I began receiving alarming messages from United Artists. They had been advised by the Hays Office that I would run into censorship trouble. Also the English office was very concerned about an anti-Hitler picture and doubted whether it could be shown in Britain . But I was determined to go ahead, for Hitler must be laughed at.” (Charles Chaplin, My Autobiography- 1964)

Just like in the thirties, today there are many useful idiots  who defend Islam, apply censorship and try to silence  its critics. These fools must be put to shame too.

Do not underestimate the power of ridicule. This is not a laughing matter. Mock Muhammad and Islam as this will eventually help the Muslims get rid of their cult. They must feel embarrassed for calling themselves Muslim.

This therapy works. I have seen it work many times. Intelligent people, who at first defend Islam,  feel embarrassed to be called Muslims, once they see the stupidity of this cult, and claim they are not Muslims. They try to dissociate themselves from it.  At first this distancing may not be heartfelt, but the very fact that they prefer to hide their real sentiment about Islam because they are embarrassed of it is the first step -a very important one – for them to leave Islam in reality. It is just a matter of time that they cut their umbilical cords from it and get rid of this cult completely.

Today Muslims become angry if you ridicule their faith, but once they are free from this bondage of the mind they will thank you for it.

Ridicule Islam and ridicule those who defend it. Put to shame the appeasers and the useful idiots even if their name is Charles Windsor or Bill Clinton. Expose the stupidity of Islam and laugh at its ignorant supporters.

Islam will become history once the asininity of it becomes so obvious that any person with intelligence feels embarrassed associating himself with it or defending it.

In not a very distant future, calling a person “Muslim” will be seen as an insult and one could be seriously offended if he is called that, just as today one is offended if he is called a “Nazi”.

These pages mirror Dr. Aziz’s superb comic book on Muhammad. You can order this hilarious book from  here.   This booklet  is priceless but it costs only $3.95. It makes a great gift, especially now that everyone wonders what is up with Islam. Buy several of them and give them to your friends. They will laugh their heads off. That is the best way to get rid of Islam. Devil cannot stand to be mocked. So destroy him with ridicule.

The book is based on the sayings of Muhammad in the Quran and the hadith.  It is all “facts” – believe it or not! You can preview these cartoons in this site.  Muslims boycotted Denmark for reproducing the cartoons of Muhammad. If they are offended by those cartoons, what would they say of these? Forward the link to them and find out.     http://www.faithfreedom.org/comics/introduction.htm

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15 years ago

De der fredsagenter, der skal modvirke fordomme mod muslimer og fortælle skolebørnene, at islam er fredelig og tolerant, minder mig om filmen A Special Day, hvor den homoseksuelle tidligere journalist render rundt med en lægeerklæring, der “beviser” at han ikke er homoseksuel (filmen foregår under fascismen) – og som hovedpersonen konstaterer: Sådan en erklæring er der jo ingen normale mænd, der går rundt med. Hvis I kan følge mig 🙂

Rolf Krake
15 years ago

Det burde kaldes ‘epistofobi’ – Angst for viden, oplysning og videnskab.

Eller ‘ratiofobi’ – Angst for fornuft og rational tænkning.

Kaffirfobi, Kufrfobi, uislamiskfobi, haramfobi,,,,

Fobisk overfor alt hvad der ikke er islamisk.

15 years ago

Det er da groft at gøre nogle indvandrere ‘vestfobiske’- altså sygelige. De mangler ganske enkelt oplysning om Vesten og ikke mindst at slippe af med fordomme om Vesten.

15 years ago

Jeg har også et nyt ord: Dyreracisme.

Dyreracisme praktiseres når nogle dyr gøres urene og dæmoniseres udelukkende fordi der står i nogle religiøse skrifter at de er urene.

15 years ago

“Fredsagenterna ska motverka fördomar mot muslimer ute i skolorna.”

Der er mere brug for fredspersoner og tiltag, der kan modvirke fordomme mod grisekød, grise, hunde og håndtryk etc. Tiltag der kan modvirke fordomme mod vestlige traditioner og normer, ligestilling, ligeværdstanken, frihedsrettigheder og demokrati.

Bare se hvor fordomsfulde religiøse madordninger er og hvor sexistiske bade- og svømmeordninger nu er i flere folkeskoler og børneinstitutioner samt offentlige svømmehaller. Der er brug for personer og tiltag der kan modvirke religiøse fordomme i det danske samfund. Ja, og i det svenske for den sags skyld.

15 years ago

Interessante betragtninger. Jeg har en god engelsk bekendt som jeg ofte foreholder eksempler på nedturen i England, glidebanen mod yderligere køb på ytringsfrihed og vestlig lovgivning. Han aner det stort set ikke. Tilhørernes kommentarer på mødet er nok meget typisk for mange engagerede danskere, som holder af alt britisk og som anerkender Englands indsats for fred og lighed og nu er dybt bekymrede over, at vort naboland tillader sig af falde af på den, med uoverskuelige negative konsekvenser også for os.