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Black Pigeon censureret af EU/Big Tech.

Videoen er et genupload af Black Pigeon. You Tube versionen er “Restricted in most European nations” dvs. umulig at se i f.eks. Danmark. Dette er givetvis pĂ„ grund af EU’s censur via de store tech-firmaer. NĂ„r du ser indholdet, er du klar over hvordan despoterne i Bryssel har tĂŠnkt, da de fik den censureret. “Censur og andre forebyggende forholdsregler kan ingensinde pĂ„ny indfĂžres,” siger Danmarks Grundlov, men nu er den her altsĂ„ igen efter 169 Ă„r. Hvad siger Folketinget om nyskabelsen?

Den er endnu mere aktuel, end da den blev lavet for to Ă„r siden. Endnu kan europĂŠere lĂŠse Frontpage Magazine, men med det Bruce Bawer skriver i dag, bliver det nĂŠppe evigt:

Then: Islamic Europe? Ridiculous! Now: Islamic Europe? Inevitable!

European elite changes its tune – to enable surrender.

Bawer sammmenligner sine oplevelser med vestlige eliter og beslutningstagere for ti Ă„r siden og nu.

One more example. In March 2007, Newsweek ran a “special report” on “Europe at 50.” That piece, too, cited a handful of recent books about the rise of Islam in Europe, my own included. Like the Financial Times reviewer, the Newsweek writer was thoroughly dismissive. Citing our worries about Western Europe’s Islamization, he wrote: “To most who live in Europe – or have visited lately – all this seems wrong, even absurd.” Far from being in peril of Muslim domination, he asserted, Europe was moving from strength to strength: “50 years after the EU’s march to unity began, it is now Europe, not the United States, that’s held up as a new lamp unto the nations.”

Yes,  Islam is taking over Western Europe – but hey, there’s no reason to worry about it!

Cut to 2018. As it turns out, it’s not Europe but Islam in Europe that’s been moving from strength to strength. As the number of terrorist atrocities, mass car burnings, and gang riots and rapes across Western Europe climbs relentlessly, it’s harder and harder to hold up Europe as “a new lamp unto the nations.” Consequently, the elite’s message about Islam in Europe has begun to shift. Only the day before yesterday, it seemed, they were telling us – and many of them, to be sure, are still telling us – that it’s preposterous to suggest that Western Europe’s present order is on the verge of being undone. But now at least some of them are starting to sing a different tune. Yes, they admit, Islam is taking over Western Europe – but hey, there’s no reason to worry about it! THEN: “ISLAMIC EUROPE? RIDICULOUS!” NOW: “ISLAMIC EUROPE? INEVITABLE – AND TERRIFIC!”

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