Seneste opdatering: 11/4-22 kl. 2343
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Ifølge VAERS døde der i USA 26.396 mellem december 2020 og marts 2022. 214.521 fik alvorlige skader. VAERS’ tal er konservative, gang trygt med ti, altsĂĄ 260.000 døde, svarende til en halv million vaccinedøde i EU. The Defender

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The majority of people have taken their jabs, the virus has a 99.95-99.99% recovery rate for most, and Fauci himself said last month that we are moving out of the pandemic phase. What gives? Well, according to Dr. Peter McCullough, the most published Cardiologist in history, the answer is unequivocally clear: the spike in death, which perfectly coincides with the rollout of the experimental jab, is the obvious culprit. “It’s Beyond ANY Shadow of a Doubt That the Vaccines Are Causing LARGE NUMBERS of Deaths”.

Dr. Malone kviede sig i halvandet år, ved at drage politiske konklusioner af det Covid forløb, han så. Det gør han ikke længere:

The ‘Pandemic’ Is Associated With a Desire to Establish a Social Credit System

Lars Bern: Hele “pandemien hviler pĂĄ forskningsfusk”

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