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FravĂŠret af islam-kritik
Lars Vilks forklarer, at hans oprindelige formÄl med at tegne profeten Muhammed som hund var at udfordre den svenske kunstverden.»Det hÊvdes tit, at kunstverdenen er helt fri i dag, uden grÊnser, alt er muligt. Men min erfaring er, at det ikke er tilfÊldet. Der findes stÊrke begrÊnsninger,« siger han.»Kunsten i dag handler meget lidt om Êstetik, men desto mere om social og politisk kritik. Den kritik er nÊsten enerÄdende venstreorienteret, hvor mÄlet for kritikken er USA og Israel, aldrig islam. Det Þnskede jeg at sÊtte fingeren pÄ,« forklarer Lars Vilks. [..]»Men debatten har vÊret mere konstruktiv denne gang. Ingen er blevet slÄet ihjel, og det at brÊnde flag i Pakistan synes jo at vÊre en tradition. Debatten har vÊret intens, men det er gÄet forholdsvis stille og roligt for sig,« konstaterer Lars Vilks.»Jeg har ikke fuldt overblik over den danske debat, men egentlig var problemet nok ikke Jyllands-Postens publicering, men disse imamer, der rejste til MellemÞsten med falske tegninger og fik hele gangstervÊldet med sig. Jeg tvivler pÄ, at det kan lade sig gÞre én gang til, for disse stater Þnsker ikke en pÞbel, der gÄr rundt og brÊnder ambassader,« mener den svenske kunstner.

De svage muslimer
IfĂžlge Lars Vilks er enhver kritik af islam og muslimer lĂŠnge blevet affĂŠrdiget som ”islamofobi” i Sverige. Samtidig er muslimerne blevet defineret som en svag gruppe i samfundet, som man derfor skulle undgĂ„ at krĂŠnke.»Det er den retorik, som medierne har tillagt sig, men folket er ikke overbevist. Der er nogle helt andre meninger ude blandt mennesker,« siger Vilks.»Det hedder gerne, at hvis bare vi venter, vil muslimerne selv forstĂ„ og acceptere demokratiet og de spilleregler, der gĂŠlder. Men det er at behandle dem som bĂžrn. Man kan ikke sige sandheden til dem, fordi de er svage. Jeg tror, at muslimerne er voksne nok til at kunne fĂžre en diskussion.  NĂ„r Al Qaida bliver kunst

En meget ihĂŠrdig  “ny-svensker”

der  kalder sig Amatullah truer  Vilks for jeg ved ikke hvilken gang:

Kommentar av amatullah | 2007/09/23 kl. 02:06:11
Lars , den domen om dagsböter hamnade i en sopptuna och jag erkÀnner inte era lagar eftersom endast sharia gÀller för mig.  Vi hotar inte dig för livet för att vi tycker inte om dina glasögon

Som ni svennar sÀger ; som man bÀddar fÄr man ligga

Muslim fick dagsböter för hot mot Lars Vilks

Ever Ever (lyrics by Lars Vilks)

den svenske gruppe Neurobash – der mĂ„ske hellere skulle have heddet “Eurobash”

»Vilks er kemisk befriet for humor«

Da jeg forleden skulle lÊse  nogle af hans bemÊrkninger op i telefonen for en svensk veninde, kunne jeg dÄrligt komme til for hendes grin. Jeg tror det er  Erica Treijs der er  kemisk befriet for en hel del:

–ÄndĂ„ Ă€r han ingen konceptkonstnĂ€r, kanske beroende pĂ„ att han Ă€r kemiskt befriad frĂ„n humor, spelar pĂ„ sina akademiska meriter med en pretiositet som inte hĂ„ller.

SvD konsten att fÄ en marknad

Sveriges  udlÊndingeindtag mÄ ikke arbejde  i Danmark

De asylsökande som fÄr uppehÄlls- och arbetstillstÄnd i Sverige har lÀttare att hitta jobb pÄ den danska Àn den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Men trots att de hittar jobb pÄ andra sidan bron, fÄr de sÀllan arbetstillstÄnd av den danska staten.
Asylsökande stoppas frÄn jobb i Danmark

» Poppis «

(slang for “populĂŠr”) og det er  hvad  Sverige er  blandt asylsĂžgere – nr. 2 blandt  vestlige  lande. Meget for et sĂ„ lille land, men hvis det bekymrer svenske politikere, sĂ„ tĂžr de  ikke give  udtryk for det. SĂ„ dette  kommer at fortsĂŠtte til i al fald 2010 valget:

The latest report from the Geneva-based UNHCR – the United Nations refugee agency – says the USA was by far the largest recipient of new asylum claims during the first six months of this year, dealing with an estimated total of 26,800 applications. Next came Sweden with 17,700 applicants – a 14 per cent increase on the last half of 2006. Greece was the third most important destination, followed by France (about 14,000 asylum claims) and the UK, registering nearly 12,700 claims in the first half of 2007.UK fifth most popular destination for asylum seekers UNHCR:  ASYLUM LEVELS AND TRENDS IN INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES SECOND QUARTER 2007, pdf


Millioner spildt pÄ voldelig 14-Ärig

Et 14-Ă„rigt, farligt problembarn slider hĂŠr af pĂŠdagoger op med evig vold og hĂŠrvĂŠrk – og nu ogsĂ„ drab
En livsfarlig, spinkel 14-Ă„rig dreng har i lĂžbet af et halvt Ă„r taget magten over det sociale system i Århus. Han har tĂŠmmet en hĂŠr af pĂŠdagoger og psykiatere. Ekstra Bladet erfarer, at en mĂ„nedlig udskrivning pĂ„ mindst 600.000 skattekroner til pĂŠdagogisk mandsopdĂŠkning af drengen reelt har vĂŠret spild af penge.

Rablende vildskab
FĂžrst fik Hilals og en vens rablende vildskab lukket to fritidsklubber i Gellerupparken i sommer, senere satte han fire socialpĂŠdagoger skakmat i en lejlighed i Odder. Og trods massiv oppasning lykkedes det ham lĂžrdag at gĂžre sig usynlig i nogle minutter og lemlĂŠste en tilfĂŠldig 42-Ă„rig mand med dĂždelige knivstik pĂ„ en p-plads vest for Århus. Nu er Hilal for en tid gemt af vejen pĂ„ en lukket sjĂŠllandsk institution, mens hans sageslĂžse offer fredag dĂžde af sine kvĂŠstelser, og socialudvalget og psykiatrien i Århus Kommune slikker sĂ„rene.Tegnebogen er Ă„ben
RĂ„dmand Gert Bjerregaard vil nu ’se fremad’. Han er klar til at skyde flere millioner i holdbare mirakellĂžsninger. OgsĂ„ i den konkrete sag.  Ekstrabladet

To return from the United States to Europe is to travel from a country that thinks it is on the front line of the struggle against jihadist terrorism, but is not, to a continent which is on the front line but still has not fully woken up to the fact.

Timothy Garton Ash: Wake up, the invisible front line runs right through your back yard


SOMETIMES key moments take place which show the terms of polit­ical trade have changed for good.

Wednesday night saw ­another. The BBC’s flagship programme Newsnight carried a major report on the warning from Cambridgeshire Chief Const­able Julie Spence about the strains immigration is placing upon her county.

Afterwards Jeremy Paxman chaired a live studio debate between Immigration Minister Liam Byrne, Sir Andrew Green, head of the immigration-sceptic think tank MigrationWatch, and Nick Clegg, the Lib Dem home affairs spokesman.

Previously the debate would have gone as follows: News­night anchorman frequently interrupts Sir Andrew, then allows Labour and Lib Dem to imply he is a Right-wing bigot. Anchor then mildly lambasts the Labour man for sometimes “pandering” to the tabloids. Finally, consensus is reached between the Beeb, Labour and Liberal that immigration is a thoroughly good thing which only racists and “nasty party” types could question. Its impact is tearing apart the fabric of British society
But that is not what happened. Instead, Mr Paxman listened resp­ectfully to Sir Andrew, whose contributions to the mig­ration debate have always been backed up by research and persuasive argument.

Paxo then reacted with outrage at Sir Andrew’s revelation that 200 houses a day will have to be built in Britain just for new migrants. He pressed Mr Byrne to say when the British people had given their approval for such an influx.

Finally, Sir Andrew was given airtime to expertly demolish Mr Clegg’s crazy plan for an amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Ladies and gentlemen, the worm has turned. Even the BBC has now decided it can no longer suppress debate about the many downsides of mass immigration. Now, Mr Paxman is not given to bouts of humil­ity so he did not acknowledge that Newsnight has come to this story rather late.

Nor did he recall an edition of his programme in the summer of 2001 which outrageously attacked this newspaper for daring to put sceptical reports about immigration on its front page. But let us not quibble. Let there instead be joy at the sight of the sinner repenting.

Great things can flow from this breakdown of the self-serving consensus among the metro­politan elite that scorn and damnation should be tipped upon anyone opposed to crude multiculturalism and the uncontrolled inflow of people from all over the world.

Immigration on this hitherto unknown scale has certainly brought BBC and politico types cheaper domestic labour and staffed the fashionable restaurants they dine in. But it has torn apart the fabric of British society. And its impact has become so pervasive and severe that they can no longer deny it. Sometimes it seems as if almost every bad news story in Britain today is a consequence of uncontrolled immigration and the failure to challenge incomers to adopt the British way of life.

Take the Commiss­ion for Racial Equality’s warning that Britain is becoming an increasingly segregated society, or the latest “honour killing” trial, or the warnings about the activities of child traffickers and of Africans who torture children they believe to be possessed by evil spirits (Victoria Climbie RIP).

Look at the rising levels of TB and HIV in our major cities or the terrible human toll from Britain’s new and largely imported knife culture. Look at the murders committed by Somali psychopaths who have abused our asylum system to live among us (Sharon Beshen­ivsky, Kiyan Prince RIP). Consider the Islamist terrorist threat (RIP the dead from 7/7).

In his book Bowling Alone, Left-wing US academic Robert Putnam has charted the corrosive impact that high levels of ethnic diversity and multiculturalism can have on community values. Areas with lots of distinct groups lack community cohesion, he found. Levels of trust are lower and the public realm becomes degraded.

We can see this process happening in Britain’s major towns and cities. People feel that they have become strangers in the streets where they were born. Those engaged in “white flight” to the suburbs and villages should not be castigated as racists but understood as ­people who simply want to enjoy a strong community spirit themselves and instil it in their children.

None of this is to say that immigration cannot bring benefits to our society. But for it to do so we need to be firmly in control of both the quantity and the quality of new arrivals and to provide them with a strong impetus to integrate.

None of this is the case at the moment.

Thankfully, there are signs that the Government is beginning to shake itself free of the constraints of political correctness on this issue. Mr Byrne has been as firm as Sir Andrew Green in opposing an amnesty for illegals, saying they should be sent home rather than to the front of the queue for houses and benefits. But saying these things is one thing, delivering upon them is something else.

Previous Tory leaders such as William Hague and Michael Howard might have done so had they not been smeared as nasty extremists by the BBC during election campaigns. The Beeb will not be able to get away with that in future.

But the Tories are now led by someone who decided that immigration should not be treated as a major issue. Have David Cameron and his Notting Hill set snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by opting into an obsolete Left-wing consensus?

What an irony it would be if the greatest beneficiary of the BBC’s new questioning attitude towards mass immigration was the suddenly tough-talking Labour Party which masterminded it all along.   Express. UK

Interviewet med  politiet er her, men jeg leder endnu efter  debatten med  Andrew Green.

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