Seneste opdatering: 11/11-07 kl. 1822
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 11 november – hvad der skete den dag  foto Snaphanen

De engelske  nazister og det nye herrefolk

forbløffende  frækhed af en gruppe  der kun udgør 2.8-5 % af befolkningen. De gambler et farlligt spil, der forudsætter at den engelske løve  aldrig vil bide. Det kan man ikke være sikker på, selvom intet hidtil har tydet på det:

WAR widows and MPs reacted angrily last night after a Muslim leader warned Britain was becoming like Nazi Germany.  Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari  said perceptions of Muslims were so negative there was a danger that people’s minds would be “poisoned as they were in the Thirties”. His comments, made on the eve of Remembrance Sunday, came as a Sunday Express poll showed the Conservatives surging into an eight-point lead over Labour on the back of public concern about immigration.  Dr Bari, head of the Muslim Council of Britain, also called for Britain to adopt Islamic customs like arranged marriage and to ban the drinking of alcohol in public places.

Muslim brands  Britain “nazi”       Bari:  Britons would benefit if they adopt Islamic culture

Stakkels  Asger Aamund 

og det siges helt uden ironi. Han er  en hædermand hvis idéer havde fortjent en bedre skæbne, men han burde  måske have  kigget sine  folk lidt bedre an.

Erhvervsmanden Asger Aamund, der har været med til at udforme dele af Ny Alliances politik, mener, at partiet får svært ved at komme i Folketinget.Ifølge Berlingske Tidende er det så galt, at han tvivler på, at han selv stemme på partiet.Det er blandt andet snakken om en dronningerunde, der er en dårlig ide, mener Asger Aamund.

– De har forsøgt at spille poker med statsministeren hele vejen igennem ved at skubbe ham ud i en dronningerunde. Det er fuldstændig hul i hovedet. Man kan ikke erklære sig som borgerligt parti, og så skubbe Anders Fogh Rasmussen væk fra posten som statsminister, siger han.

Asger Aamund tvivler på Ny AllianceAamund: Ny Alliance er på taberkurs

»Dansk folkepartis monomana ledare«

En  central fråga – dessvärre den överskuggande – är invandrings- och flyktingpolitiken eller förhållandet till ”de fremmede”, ett uttryck som visar hur djupt ner i det danska samhället xenofobin trängt. Det är en förgiftningsprocess som Dansk Folkeparti, vars parlamentariska stöd den nuvarande regeringen är helt beroende av, lyckats med.

Sydsvenskan hovedleder man kunne indvende , hvad kommer den os ved ? Men efter at Carsten Jensen er gået over til at skrive fiktion (hvis ikke det er det han altid har gjort), må ens  maschochisme  tilfredstilles “ude  i byen”. Om det så bare var for at ærgre svenske journalister, vil jeg ønske DF et kanonvalg.

“De fornærmede  køer” 

”We haven’t decided yet if Mohammed will appear in disguise of one or more people. Other characters are the Swedish Prime minister, the president of Iran and Al Qaeda, that will perform a nice song. They do better as music. We also plan to include an elegy featuring The Offended Cows. I think it can be very entertaining and relaxing as a musical. No one will be able to resist the rhytm and the music.”

Fl. Rose :  Viks ´ Mohammed Superstar

Islam´s slaver
glimrende indføring i et fuldstændigt fortrængt og benægtet massemord på op imod 140 mio sorte. Syv minutter Via GoV og Monokultur:

 Racist abuse is common among immigrants

her ville man godt have vidst hvilke   grupper der terroriserer hvilke. Vi må gætte:

“The study found evidence of inter-ethnic bullying between different groups;
intra-faith racist bullying between different ethnic groups and inter-faith bullying of minority-faith groups of asylum-seeking young people by majority-faith asylum-seeking young people.”

Immigrant children in Glasgow suffer racist abuse and bullying from each other as well as from others, according to new research.

Children from asylum-seeking and refugee families find schools are safer places to avoid bullying, but outside schools – particularly in the city centre and on buses and trains – they face verbal abuse. Much of this goes unreported for fear of reprisals.

According to other findings published yesterday by the Scottish Government, immigrant children are discouraged by their parents from using the Scots language, particularly due to its association with swearing. That research into the way migrants understand Scottish culture and learn English – which included discussion of what they make of The Broons and Oor Wullie – has shown that they think most Scots parents are over-indulgent of their children and inconsistent in the use of discipline.

The research project into asylum-seeking and refugee children’s experience in education, carried out by University of London academics, working with the Scottish Refugee Council and Children in Scotland, is positive about the role of schools, recommending action they should take to be alert to bullying and isolation for pupils who struggle with English.

They said some schools have a “buddy” system that works well, and while interpreters were appreciated by parents, they complained that letters home from schools arrive in English.

The research findings about young people’s experience of living in Scotland, and Glasgow in particular, is more concerning about what happens out of school. Danger on the streets, especially in deprived areas, was harming these children’s lives.

When unaccompanied and outside school, they reported “high levels of racist abuse on a regular basis in the city centre and on public transport. However, racist abuse of asylum-seeking and refugee communities does not seem to be restricted to indigenous white Scots,” said the research.

“The study found evidence of inter-ethnic bullying between different groups; intra-faith racist bullying between different ethnic groups and inter-faith bullying of minority-faith groups of asylum-seeking young people by majority-faith asylum-seeking young people.”

www.scotland.gov.uk/ publications   The Herald

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