Seneste opdatering: 31/5-05 kl. 1244
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Jeg har i al fald ikke de de tusinder omtalte med Ă©t ord i Sverige.
Iran exiles in Sweden rally against “bogus report” Sat. 21 May 2005
Stockholm, – Thousands of Iranians from across Sweden today took part in a demonstration in the capital Swedish capital to denounce the “appeasement” of Iran by Western governments.

Organisers said that the rally’s aim was to condemn the inclusion of the main Iranian opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin, in the list of terrorist organisations.
Til gengĂŠld er Smittsskyddinstituttet lidt for tjenstivrigt:
Sverige hjÀlper Iran med forskning
Smittskyddsinstitutet samarbetar med ett forskningsinstitut i Iran som av Inspektionen för strategiska produkter (ISP) misstÀnks framstÀlla massförstörelsevapen, rapporterar Ekot.


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