Seneste opdatering: 23/1-19 kl. 1719
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“Hvis du og jeg er ‘nazister,’ sĂ„ kan nazisterne ikke have vĂŠret sĂ„ slemme, vel?’

BorgerrettighedsforkÊmperen fra DDR og det tidligere Bundetagmedlem for CDU, Vera Lengsfeld, beskÊftiger sig med de totalitÊre trÊk i dagens EU og Tyskland, for eksempel de tyske, statsfinancierede medier og tiltagende internetcensur, som EU nu optrapper med artiklerne 11 og 13. (Se Emmanuel Karsten: Nu Àr det snart klart: SÄ kommer ditt internet förÀndras av EU.)

Lengsfeld er en stor ven af alternative medier. Hun skrev pÄ die Achse des Guten, med blandt andre Henryk Broder og Akif Pirinçci, men skriver nu her.

Lengsfeldt har yderligere den specielle historie, at hun var gift med den danske lyriker  Knud Wollenberger (1952-2012), der spionerede pÄ sin egen kone for Stasi. Se JP kronik TilfÊldet Knud Wollenberger. (video, tysk, utekstet)

Does the West face “an almost certain doom?”
En initieret anmeldelse i Catholic World Report af Robert Spencers seneste bog.

“Jihadisternes bedste allierede er deres kommende ofre”

“In the twenty-first century, the leaders of Europe, as well as many in North America, have brought an almost certain doom on their countries no less unmistakable than that which befell Constantinople on May 29, 1453. 
 As the fourteen-hundred year Islamic jihad against the free world continues to advance, the best allies the warriors of jihad have are the very people they have in their sights.” [..]

Spencer does not think that the West will ultimately recognize the nature of this movement to conquer the world and to impose the Sharia on all nations as a sign of submission to Allah. He uses the word “doom”. He maintains that the people who would suffer most under Sharia are precisely those who cannot or will not take the teachings and historic record of Islam seriously. Spencer does not pretend to be a prophet, but he does offer a judgment based on a careful attention to facts. To diligently seek to oppose jihad and all that goes with it would be a turn of events that Spencer certainly hopes will come about. But if it is not to come about, it will be because it is prevented from doing so. And that requires a respectful and attentive look at what Islam has invariably done in the past and what its Holy Book outlines for it.

To read this book is to be caught up in many historic battles. It is to endure the sight of much bloodshed. It is to realize that historic Muslim victories have proved unchangeable. Islam is rapidly developing ways to practice jihad when it is not a major military power. It is learning how to rule and invade simply by immigration and settling in lands that tolerate it. It has learned to live in the West and to use its freedom to advance its own religious and cultural agenda. In the meantime, most of the non-Muslims in Muslim lands have been killed or have left the Near East. The persecution of Christians in the near-East goes on.

Og her er alle de tÊnkeligste grunde til at Vesten vil vÄgne for sent, og sÄ er EU Kommissionens fordrukne stupiditet ikke engang nÊvnt:

Why—to answer the second part of Spencer’s thesis—are people so reluctant to see this historic record and the causes behind it? Several possibilities exist.

1) Liberalism does not take religion or permanent principles to be unchangeable. Therefore, when Muslims settle under democratic laws, they will gradually themselves become relativists.

2) The second is what I call the “sleeping dog thesis.” The adage “let sleeping dogs lie” means, in this case, that there is no sense in stirring up Muslim masses. The historical record is true and simply tells us to have nothing to do with Islam.

3) A third view would be that Islam is less dangerous than Christianity. Thus, given a choice, we should favor Islam.

4) The fourth reason is a legitimate fear of confronting such a fanatical foe. More bloodshed would arise from confronting it than leaving alone at all costs. In short, we do not confront Islam because we know, from reading Spencer’s book, what to expect. Does the West face “an almost certain doom?”

Se ogsÄ idag Bruce Bawer: Stabbed in the Back: Western Elites Still Treating Jihad as Mental Illness.

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Ferd Ed Sa
Ferd Ed Sa
5 years ago

Venligboerne er de fĂžrste som bliver slĂ„et ihjel, hvis de ikke inden da er konverteret til Islam. “En fremmed er en ven du endnu ikke har mĂždt” burde omskrives til “En fremmed kan vĂŠre en fjende, som du endnu ikke har mĂždt”. Louisa og Maren havde sikkert vĂŠret i live i dag, hvis de ikke var blevet fodret med MSM-mediernes rosenrĂžde billede af det lykkelige Arabien. Hvis de havde lĂŠst den korte avis, snaphanen og Newspeek var de aldrig rejst ned til et muslimsk land pĂ„ telttur. Afskaf mediestĂžtten nu!!!

5 years ago

SĂ€ga vad man vill om detta – “Field Marshal Mannerheim | Speech to the Swedish Volunteers | Finnish Winter War 1940”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC1e1BINTTM

Men man kan frÄga sig om dessa ord inte gÀller Àn idag.

P.S: Vem hjÀlper Sverige och svenskarna idag?

Peter Buch
Peter Buch
5 years ago

EU lovgivning er til at blive trĂŠt af.
Ikke desto mindre er den til tider vĂŠsentlig.
Med server og firma placeret i USA kunne jeg forestille mig, det er noget svĂŠrt at lukke helt for nettet…

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