Seneste opdatering: 30/10-18 kl. 0619
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Henryk Broder kommenterer valget i Hessen uden at komme ind pĂ„ den stykvise afmontering af kansler Merkel. Demokratiet i Europa fungerer, – i al fald den begrĂŠnsede, oligarkiske facade – trods det, at politikerne har forĂŠret hovedparten af det bort til bureaukratiet EU. Men det fungerer unĂŠgtelig stĂŠrkt parallelforskudt fra den politiske virkelighed. Demokratiet kunne med andre ord lige sĂ„ godt ikke eksistere.

Svenskerne vĂ„gnede fĂžrst efter fire Ă„rtier, og efter at politikerne havde forĂŠret en tredjedel af deres land til den tredje verden. At jeg stadig stemmer, skyldes kun, at jeg endnu kan stemme imod disse politikere. At stemme til det sĂ„kaldte EU-parlament, anser jeg, er at kĂžbe illusionen om, at det overhovedet drejer sig om et parlament. Det er “narrefisse” pĂ„ sĂžmandssprog. Jeg bliver pĂ„ sofaen torsdag den 23 maj 2019.  Jeg legitimerer ikke en narresut. Video, tysk, utekstet.

Forfatter: Eliterne islamiserer os med fuldt overlĂŠg

Peter McLoughlin er blandt andet forfatter til den ‘definitive’ bog om engelske grooming gangs Easy Meat: Inside Britain’s Grooming Gang Scandal. og Mohammed’s Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam.

Misbruget af engelske mindreĂ„rige piger foretaget af muslimske pakistanere er foregĂ„et lige siden 70’erne, og nu mener han det ikke var nedtystet af politisk korrekthed, men som et led i eliternes forsĂŠtlige islamisering af England.

Han mener ogsÄ, man skal se den uhÞrt, hÄrde behandling af Tommy Robinson i det lys. Det kan lyde konspirativt, men forklaringen fÄr unÊgtelig visse ting til at falde pÄ plads. Forklaringen om naivitet og berÞringsangst holder kun sÄ langt og i sÄ mange Ärtier. McLoughlin lader sig af sikkerhedsgrunde ikke fotografere, og ser iÞvrigt intet hÄb for Englands fremtid:

Globalists wants to end democracy

Peter’s own views on the subject have evolved since its [Easy Meat] publication. While previously he believed officials’ blind eye to grooming gangs was simply motivated by stringent political correctness, now he concludes politicians, supported by the media, law enforcement and other state organs, have forged a conspiracy of silence obscuring all negative aspects of Islam, in support of the long-term goal of “total Islamisation” of the West.

The best way to end democracy

“Political elites are deliberately importing Muslims to the West, so that by the end of the 21st century Europe will be Islamic. The best way to end democracy — the limited oligarchical facade of democracy we have now — is to ensure populations are prepared to sacrifice rights and freedoms in return for Sharia law. Globalists need a global culture, and Islam is the one culture that does not give in. If elites were honest about this objective, and the reality of Islam, it’d never happen — so there’s a constant need for immense duplicity,”

“Choudary is not a maverick or an outlier. People who live in his adopted home of Walthamstow have told me whenever they see him on the street, he’s mobbed by local Muslims, queuing up to shake his hand. Before his imprisonment, a production company made a documentary comparing Choudary and Tommy Robinson — Islamic extremists and anti-Islam activists being mirror images of one another is a common media trope — which featured footage of him receiving standing ovations in mosques, even ones he was supposedly banned from. Channel 4 purchased the documentary but it never aired, interestingly,”

85 percent of grooming-trials haven’t been reported by the media

“Muslim grooming gangs have been operating in the UK since the 1970s at least, but 85 percent of trials haven’t been reported by the media — and when they are, journalists typically dismiss their ethnic element. Tommy refused to play their game and keep the perpetrators’ race concealed, and got punished for it — it’s perfectly clear what was done to him was absolutely draconian and not in keeping with past cases. He’s the first journalist to be jailed for contempt of court in 60 years,” Peter suggests.

 It will be too late

Although he welcomes Robinson’s release, Peter sees “no hope” for Britain, an “unarmed” country home to “the most cowardly middle class in the Western world” — while he suspects members of the public will resort to “vigilante justice” in lieu of state protection in years to come, it’ll be too late. All one can do now, he says, is “document the country’s ongoing decline”. Researcher: Western Elites Cover Up Reality of Islam to Create ‘Muslim Europe’

Se ‘Dale Hurd recently interviewed Peter McLoughlin, author of “Easy Meat,” Britain’s Muslim Rape Gang Cover-Up og et indslag om Easy Meat. Peter McLoughlin viser sig ikke pĂ„ foto af sikkerhedsgrunde:

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