Seneste opdatering: 19/8-20 kl. 1239
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“Jeg skal have lavet mine patter, nĂ„r jeg bliver 18”

GrĂŠkenland sĂŠtter 1072 ‘flygtninge’ tilbage pĂ„ havet

Ylva Johansson: “We cannot protect our European border by violating European values and by breaching people’s rights”

New York Times, DR, menneskerettighedseksperter, tyrkere og afrikanere svĂŠlger i foragelse, men det er bedre, at de eventuelt dĂžr end at Europa gĂžr. Sender det signalet “I kommer ikke ind”, vil det tilmed spare mange andres menneskeliv.

The Greek government has secretly expelled more than 1,000 refugees from Europe’s borders in recent months, sailing many of them to the edge of Greek territorial waters and then abandoning them in inflatable and sometimes overburdened life rafts.

Since March, at least 1,072 asylum seekers have been dropped at sea by Greek officials in at least 31 separate expulsions, according to an analysis of evidence by The New York Times from three independent watchdogs, two academic researchers and the Turkish Coast Guard. The Times interviewed survivors from five of those episodes and reviewed photographic or video evidence from all 31. Taking Hard Line, Greece Turns Back Migrants by Abandoning Them at Sea

Greece has secretly sent away more than 1,000 migrants, taking them to the edge of the country’s territorial waters and then abandoning them at sea

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3 years ago

Godt gaaet, Graekenland! Det var paa tide.