Seneste opdatering: 16/8-22 kl. 1231
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“I am watching people get absolutely destroyed”

Lægen, ‘military flight surgeon’ Theresa Long, har patienter, der er de yngste og de sundeste i USA. De sundeste af dem, er de piloter hvis sundhed det er hendes arbejde at vurdere. Samtidig hun sidder hun på en sygdomsstatistik, der er langt sikrere end VAERS. “20-årige får simpelthen ikke blodpropper i hjernen og hjertet, men nu gør de.” Hun begiver sig ikke ind på de politiske baggrunde for den forbrydelse, der foregår nu, men den kan man jo også finde så mange andre steder. En befriende, alt for sjældent modig læge.

“I have so many soldiers being destroyed by this vaccine. Not a single member of my senior command has discussed my concerns with me … I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by talking about it. I’m OK with that because I am watching people get absolutely destroyed.”Military Doctor Testifies under Oath That She Was ORDERED To ‘Cover up’ Vaccine Injuries through Biden Admin Directive

The Planet No Longer Needs the ‘Vast Majority’ of the Population

De der kender lidt til Klaus Schwabs yndlingsrådgiver, den homoseksuelle jøde Yuval Noah Harari (nævnes kun for den komplicerede psykologi, det åbenbart har givet ham,) ved godt, at han er ophavsmanden til det sært nazistisk klingende “useless eaters” om en stor del af verdens befolkning.

Han er værd at studere nærmere, for han er chefideolog i den bevægelse, vi allerede er inde i. Agenda 2030 og The Great Reset er allerede i gang, og opdager flertallet det endnu ikke, så gør de det, når de får at vide, at de ikke mere skal spise kød, æg, ost og mælk, men syntetisk fremstillede proteiner (hør Computing Forever idag). Dødelige sprøjter vil formentlig ikke være nok:

Harari made the bold declaration in an interview with Chris Anderson, head of the popular TED media group, echoing past predictions of a “useless class” of “unemployable” humans.

Harari suggested that, in a departure from the 20th century, when the “big heroes” of political systems’ prevailing narratives were always “the common people,” now in the 21st century, people “are no longer part of the story of the future.” Instead, according to Harari, they have been replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) and displaced by a high-tech economy.

The author and lecturer presented to Anderson the “hypothesis” that anxiety about being displaced in the future economy by AI and a highly educated “tech” class is partly at the root of the world’s “disillusionment and backlash against the liberal order.”

“Part of what might be going [on] is people realize — and they’re correct in thinking that, ‘The future doesn’t need me. … Maybe if they are nice, they will throw some crumbs my way, like universal basic income.’ But it’s much worse psychologically to feel that you are useless than to feel that you are exploited,” Harari said.

“Now, fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” Harari continued, “because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence [and] bioengineering.” World Economic Forum Adviser Claims the Planet No Longer Needs the ‘Vast Majority’ of the Population

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