Seneste opdatering: 1/7-22 kl. 0523
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The collapse in Western birth rates is possibly the biggest story of our time.

The two reports below from Hungary and Germany say almost exactly the same thing: birth rates show a sudden and drastic drop at the beginning of this year, which is almost exactly nine months after the first surge of experimental mRNA treatments intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus.

First, the video from Hungary. Here’s a translated summary from MTI, the Hungarian state news agency:

Hungarian MP links the drop in fertility rates to the mass “vaccination” against Covid

MP Dóra Dúró (Mi Hazánk / Our Homeland party) drew attention to the worsening demographic indicators in her speech held in the Hungarian Parliament on the 27th July. She said that in January 2022 the birth rate fell by 20% compared to the same period last year, and the fertility rate also declined. She noted that this happened just nine months after the mass vaccination against Covid began in Hungary; and such a steep decline has not occurred for decades. She said that it was the responsibility of the state to investigate whether this brutal decline was linked to that factor.

Many thanks to László for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling. The translator notes: “I believe the value of this speech is that it was held in a national parliament, not just on a website that can be dismissed by branding it as a ‘conspiracy theory’. Especially because MP Dúró has called for official investigations, thereby cornering the state — because, I think, after such public notice the lack of investigations may easily qualify as criminal negligence in the future.”

The following report tells the same story about birth statistics in Germany. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the German-language service of RT. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Consequence of vaccination? Drastic fall in the birth rate in Germany

According to official figures, the number of live births in Germany has fallen significantly since the beginning of 2022. The scientist Stefan Homburg suspects that the reason for the drop in births is the vaccination rate among middle-aged people, which increased drastically a year ago.

The number of live births in Germany has apparently decreased drastically in the first months of 2022. According to provisional figures from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 164,614 children were born in the first quarter of the year. [Want to bet that these are of migrant stock?] In the same period of 2021, the statisticians recorded 187,543 live births. This corresponds to a decrease of more than twelve percent. In previous years, the numbers were comparatively stable.

The development that can be seen in the numbers between December 2021 and January 2022 is particularly drastic. In December 2021, the statisticians recorded 67,927 live births — over 7,000 more than in December 2020 (60,716). In January 2022, however, there were only 52,987 live births, almost 7,000 fewer than a year earlier (59,799). From December 2021 to January 2022, the number of births fell by almost 15,000.

The financial scientist Stefan Homburg, known as a critic of Corona policy, made a connection on Twitter between the “unprecedented decline in the birth rate” and the so-called Corona vaccination. Homburg wrote:

“In this RKI graphic from the last weekly report, the arrow marks the age group 18 to 59 years, which is responsible for the majority of births. From calendar week 2021/17, i.e. around nine months before the first quarter of 2022, the curve rises steeply.”

In fact, the graph shows an increase in the vaccination rate in this age group from around 3 percent in April to 60 percent in August and finally around 80 percent at the end of the year. If, as Homburg claims, this actually confirms a connection between vaccination rates and live births, their number should continue to decline in the coming months.

Stefan Homburg was Director of the Institute for Public Finance at Leibniz Universität Hannover until his early retirement in the spring of 2021. Several so-called fact checkers have repeatedly accused the scientist of “spreading false information” during the Corona crisis.

I samarbejde med Gates of Vienna

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Roland Salomonsson
Roland Salomonsson
1 year ago

Spikproteinet samlas i de organ i människokroppen som deltar i att bygga upp ett immunförsvar (som försvagas), som medverkar i blodbildningen, som styr hjärt- och kärlsystemet hos människan, som är en del i människans förökningssystem m fl! Är det f ö forskare som följer hur andra organismer på jorden påverkas av dessa mRNA-preparat. Sannolikt har massor släppts lös rakt ut i naturen och träffar där oförutsedda livsformer? Det är alltså INTE Covid-virusen som är farliga/dödliga, utan det toxiska är spikproteinerna. Det är dessa som dödar på kort sikt, medel-lång sikt och lång sikt. T ex kommer blodtransfussioner i framtiden sannolikt… Read more »

H. nielsen
H. nielsen
1 year ago

The evidence is overwhelming

Henrik Wegmann
Henrik Wegmann
1 year ago
Reply to  steen

DST har jo heller ikke offentliggjort tal for 2022.

1 year ago
Reply to  steen

Prøv https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/nyheder-analyser-publ/nyt/NytHtml?cid=40192
Det fremgår heraf at antal fødte i 1. kvartal 2022 ligger under tallene fra 2021 og 2020, men lidt over antal fødte i 1. kvartal 2019.

1 year ago

Det er ikke rart at se et fald i levende fødte på op imod 20% i det første kvartal af 2022 . Og at det ser ud til lign. Statiske figurer i tyskland optræder pgså. Men det er trods alt godt , at der nu pipler ting og sager frem. At der er tidlige pensionering og beskyldning om falske nyheder og info spredning med indover , forstærker indtrykket af , at der kunne være en meget troværdig kilde bag. Vi lever i mærkelige tider. Sandheden har altid haft trange kår . Er vi over den mørkeste time før daggry? Men… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Dragen

“Er vi over den mørkeste time før daggry?”

Jeg håber godt nok, du får ret. Det andet her er ikke til at leve med. Jeg får hele tiden at vide, jeg ser for pessimistisk på tingene og skal prøve at leve lidt mere i nuet i stedet for det evindelige laven planer og budgetter for worst case scenariet. Ja, men hvad hvis nuet heller ikke levner plads til optimisme?

1 year ago
Reply to  Margrethe

Jeg er egentlig ikke optimistisk. Jeg mener “lyset bryder frem” i betydningen erkendelsen og bevidstheden ikke længere kan holdes tilbage? Det pipler frem. Dråbe for dråbe, gennem den “løgnens dæmmning” der holder det tilbage . Alt det der for alt i verden , ikke må komme frem / bryde igennem. Jeg forestiller mig , at derefter kommer kaos? Skaderne bliver ikke længere til at skjule , og er man ikke vågnet op før , så er man det , når kaos bryder løs. Du skal iøvrigt have tak for din respons: ” på (hvad gør vi)”. Det er en liste… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Dragen

Mange tak for de rosende ord!

1 year ago
Reply to  Margrethe

Mennesker, som ikke blev til en abort, eller døde af vaccinen, er kun tal og grafer i politikernes optik.
Derfor betyder en faldende fødselsrate heller ingenting for Christiansborgs politikere. De handler blot nye mennesker til Danmark fra MENAP.
Og så ser graferne jo fine ud igen. Sådan cirka.
Så vi kan alle trygt gå i døden, vel vidende at politikerne ikke vil savne os.
Det er vel et lyspunkt.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anders

….at politikerne ikke vil savne os….virkeligt god humor . Den grinede jeg meget længe af. Ja det er vel en slags lyspunkt.

Kresten Andersen
Kresten Andersen
1 year ago
Reply to  Margrethe

Den menneskelige hjerne er kodet til katastrofescenarier. Hvis ikke vi altid havde koncentreret os om det værst tænkelige, havde der ikke eksisteret mennesker i dag. Husk på, at der er stor forskel på pessimisme og realisme!

Paranoide er altid et skridt foran.

Vesten uddør 2025
Vesten uddør 2025
1 year ago

Det har du ret i. Der er jo heller intet pessimistisk i at være forberedt på det værste men håbe på det bedste, det handler om at kunne håndterer kriser hvis de kommer. Man køber vel heller ikke en ulykkesforsikring i håbet om at den kommer til udbetaling, formålet er at afdække en risiko.

Vesten uddør 2025
Vesten uddør 2025
1 year ago

Intet er så skidt at det ikke er godt for noget. Skal vi ikke for en stund glæde os over at der fødes færre tyskere. De ulidelige autoritære røvhuller bliver ikke savnet.

Last edited 1 year ago by Vesten uddør 2025
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