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Mange vil gerne vide nĂŠrmere, hvad Wilders’ valgsejr betyder for Holland.  Den indfĂždte H. Numan er inde i detaljerne pÄ  min gamle ven pĂ„ Gates of Vienna.

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan sends this report on yesterday’s stunning general election in The Netherlands.

by H. Numan

Yesterday we had elections in The Netherlands. The results are mind-boggling. Stunning, completely unexpected. Possibly even revolutionary! Though the most difficult part of the elections will be forming a coalition government. While the establishment has lost the battle, they may almost certainly win the war. Let’s have a look at the elections first.

The PVV won by a landslide. I never expected they would win this big: out of a total of 150, no fewer than 36 seats! The PVV gained a stunning 19 seats. That means they more than doubled, coming from 18 seats. They are, by far, the biggest party now. That doesn’t make Wilders PM automatically. He’ll have to negotiate a coalition. That means other parties must be willing to govern with him. And that can be very difficult, if not outright impossible.

The runner-up is the combination Labor/Communists, PvdA/GL. They won 25 seats, coming from 17 seats. The VVD (they pretend to be our Conservative party) lost a lot; they now hold 24 seats, losing 10 seats. I expected them to lose. In Dutch politics, the party that breaks the coalition pays for it. That’s what the VVD did, dropping from 34 seats to now 24 seats. Pretty big, and something I expected.

Another confirmed loser was D66; they are upper middle-class yuppies who pretend not to be communists. They dropped from 24 seats to 10, losing 14 seats. Given their being the party of utter wokeness, this was fairly certain, too. D66 is a rollercoaster party. One election they are on top; the next one they fall down.

Pieter Omtzigt did well, but not as well as expected. His NSC (New Social Contract, check the link where he found that name) scored only 20 seats. With good reasons: Omtzigt didn’t want to become Prime Minister, he said that during the entire campaign. He never presented a candidate, keeping it a secret. Only at the very last minute did he change his mind to become PM after all. The voters didn’t like that. Another problem for Omtzigt is that he didn’t have a clear program. By being vague you don’t alienate voters; that much is true. But you won’t gain many, either.

The Christian Democrats lost impressively, as everybody expected. Dropping from 15 seats to
 five. Before the elections I joked that the only major feat of their new leader, Henri Bontenbal, would be announcing his resignation. Not a joke: he’ll be doing that sometime in the coming days or next week. One cannot lose two-thirds of his seats and remain party leader.

The Farmers Party (BBB) did pretty badly. In percentages their win was huge: no less than 500%. But they only had one seat. Now they have five. They polled about 13 seats, but ran on a one-issue program, focused on farmer problems. Everything else was secondary at best. Yes, most people sympathize with our farmers. Only The Netherlands is not a rural country. Even if all farmers voted for BBB it wouldn’t win them much more. Being vague and disinterested in what city folks want cost them everything.

The two other conservative parties JA21 and FvD were trashed. I expected that. FvD lost four seats, keeping four, and JA21 kept one of their two stolen seats. JA21 is a split-off from FvD. Two splitters Joost Eerdmans and Annabel Nanninga moved out of FvD in 2021, hence the name. Nanninga has some credibility (other than her impressive waistline); Eerdmans is an ambitious politician who jumps from party to party. Wherever he thinks his chances are best. You don’t want that character standing behind you. Neither did the electorate.

FvD is led by Thierry Baudet. He recently made headlines and lost everything by bluntly stating in front of cameras that he didn’t believe in moon landings and doubted 9/11. I’m surprised he was able to keep four seats. A statement like that should give him a straitjacket right away.

The remainder, all small fry, lost or remained the same. But they don’t amount to much, so it doesn’t matter.

What’s next?

In The Netherlands we don’t have a winner-take-all system. We have a representative democracy. Meaning that all parties get seats in relation to their electoral results. If your party scores 10% of the vote, you’ll get 10 seats. Even though Geert Wilders won by a landslide, it’s by no means certain he’ll become prime minister or even part of a cabinet.

Just look at the recent Thai elections. Move Forward won a landslide victory but are still in the opposition, and the leader resigned. He tried his best; twice he presented his plans to parliament. The house accepted his proposals, but the military senators said no. The runner-up was next. They quickly struck a deal with the military and within three days the Srettha cabinet was formed.

Fortunately, things aren’t as grim here. It’ll be difficult to form a coalition, yes. All depends on that Mr. Pieter Omtzigt. If he sticks to the boycott of the PVV, as he said during the campaign, no PM Geert Wilders. However, it isn’t that rosy for a left-wing coalition, either. There is a marginal majority for that, but with four parties. If Omtzigt goes that way, he would lose all credibility. From very popular he would become the most hated politician overnight. The biggest problem here is that he is autistic enough to do that. His policy, within the CDA and later as an independent is: whatever I want, I do. Damn the torpedoes!

There are, based on the results, two workable coalitions possible:

‘Right’ wing: PVV — VVD — NSC = 80 seats
Left wing: GL/PvdA — VVD — NSC — D66 = 79 seats

Not really a right-wing cabinet, because VVD and NSC are anything but conservative. Just a small step in the right direction. Just before the elections the leader of the VVD tried to slam the door shut for a PVV — VVD coalition. Not that it matters, after her stunning loss she has only one job left: gracefully retire from politics.

All other possible combinations are not realistic. As you can see, it all depends not on Wilders but on Omtzigt. Even if he is autistic enough (and he is!!) to block a conservative cabinet, it’ll be the end of him and the VVD as well. There is a big split between party members and party elite in the VVD, but this is something they won’t get away with. If the VVD opts for a left wing cabinet, it’ll break the party.

We’re not there yet, but this is the first bit of good news in a long time. Yes, the elites are not pleased. Even if they try to sabotage Wilders inside the cabinet, that won’t play out well. Fortunately, most Wilders-haters are about to resign, except for Omtzigt. But he stands alone in his hatred. His electorate does not support him there, neither do NSC politicians. Wilders-haters within the VVD will have to resign as well. That includes their dual-passport-holding muslim leader Mrs. Dylan YeƟilgöz. She doesn’t want to work with the PVV to begin with, and the VVD is due for an internal cleanup as it is. They became a left-leaning if not outright left-wing party, much to the dislike of the voters.

In short, a landslide change in Dutch politics. Foreign newspapers say that the Dutch Trump has won the elections. He’ll be stuck with two very unwilling coalition partners who will do anything to restrain him. They will have to work with him because if they don’t, it’ll end their careers.

— H. Numan

Key to Dutch parties:

FvD Forum for Democracy
Forum voor Democratie
Conservative, populist, Euroskeptic

VVD People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy
Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie

PvdA Labour Party
Partij van de Arbeid
Social democrats

PVV Party for Freedom
Partij voor de Vrijheid
Classical liberal, Islam-critical

BBB Farmer-Citizen Movement
Agrarian populists

SP Socialist Party
Socialistische Partij
Left-wing populists, former Maoists, to the left of communists

CDA Christian Democratic Appeal
Christen-Democratisch AppĂšl
Christian democrats, center-right

D66 Democrats 66
Politieke Partij Democraten 66
Centrist social liberals

CU ChristianUnion
Christian Democrats, left-wing, only “conservative” in being ostensibly religious

GL GreenLeft
Environmentalism plus hard left

SGP Reformed Political Party
Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
Christian right, advocates a Christian theocracy

PvdD Party for Animals
Partij voor de Dieren
Animal rights

Denk Denk

50+ 50PLUS
Pensioners’ party

VNL VoorNederland
For The Netherlands
Classical liberal party

PPNL Pirate Party of the Netherlands
Piratenpartij Nederland
Anti-copyright, transparent governance

JA21 Right Answer 21
Juiste Antwoord 21

Med tilladelse fra Gates of Vienna

Wilders i Danmark

Wilders har vĂŠret i Danmark adskillige gange de seneste tyve Ă„r. Her er et lille udpluk fra Christiansborg 14 juni 2009 og pĂ„ Bornholm i juni 2015, hvor der er flere billeder af SĂžren Krarup, som vi gerne vil mindes i disse dage. Man ser ogsĂ„ den syriske lĂŠge og forfatter Wafa Sultan i samtale med Wilders.  Klik fotos for helskĂŠrm –   © Snaphanen.dk




Wilders, Bornholm, II 13.6.2015 115

Se ogsÄ Asger Aamunds kommentar Holland pÄ opvÄgningsstuen

Da Wilders af Trykkefrihedsselskabet i 2015 blev inviteret til at tale pĂ„ FolkemĂždet pĂ„ Bornholm var det under vilde protester fra ledende Venstrefolk og socialdemokrater, der til Berlingske udtalte, at ”der ikke burde vĂŠre plads til hans ekstreme synspunkter, som strider mod FolkemĂždets natur”. Og videre, at ” Wilders ikke vil tilfĂžre debatten noget konstruktivt”.

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5 months ago

Bare hvis nogen prĂžver at gĂžre sig forhĂ„bninger om et lignende muligt udfald i Danamark, sĂ„ vil jeg da gerne fortĂŠlle jer at Danmark er tabt. Vi havde chancen sidst der var en borgerlig regering, det viste sig bare der ikke var nogen borgerlige politikere tilstede. At stemme ja til at sĂŠtte folketingets soldater pĂ„ evig offentlig forsĂžrgelse sĂ„ den klamme propaganda gennem medierne kunne lĂžbe frit har vi set hvad har resulteret i. Disse landsforrĂŠdere af journalister er afslĂžret for lĂŠnge siden, deres evige hetz af Trump betĂžd faktisk at Danmark var et af de lande i verden der… Read more »

5 months ago
Reply to  Jakob

Jeg er bange for at du har ret. Langt de fleste danskere lever i en verden af ĂžnsketĂŠnkning og fortrĂŠngning af virkeligheden. Hvis man prĂžver at tale med dem om det der virkelig betyder noget for os og vore bĂžrns fremtid sĂ„ bliver de enten rasende fordi man forstyrrer glansbilledet eller ogsĂ„ begynder de at sidde og fedte med deres frivillige fodlĂŠnke og ignorerer en. Jeg kommer tit til at tĂŠnke pĂ„ Egon Olsen og hans skĂŠldsord : grĂždbĂžnder, det passer faktisk, danskerne er generelt smĂ„tbegavede og der er formentlig mindre end 10 % der evner/tĂžr at tĂŠnke selv. Toget… Read more »

Last edited 5 months ago by H.P.
5 months ago
Reply to  H.P.

Han bruger ogsÄ socialdemokrat som skÊldsord:-) Det griner vi meget af herhjemme

5 months ago
Reply to  H.P.

Jeg tror ikke, det er et specielt dansk fÊnomen. Du hÞrer folk fra hele verden, ogsÄ det relativt liberalt funderede USA, sukke over den lammede majoritet, der viljelÞst lader sig trÊkke gennem sÞlet af den ene diktator/lÞgner/demagog efter den anden, og blot lader katastrofen ske. Det har altid, alle steder, hÊngt pÄ skuldrene af et mindretal at gÄ i spidsen af kampen for at Êndre pÄ tingene. Med de konsekvenser, det sÄ har.

5 months ago

Tillykke med dagen Steen đŸ„ł stay strong đŸ‹â€â™‚ïž

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Manden, som (be)talte sort
5 months ago
Reply to  steen


5 months ago
Reply to  steen

FÞdselsdag??? Ja men tillykke! Er du nÄet det her skarpe hjÞrne?


SpÞrg lige Paludan, hvordan du laver en indsamling, der er skattefri i den anledning. Jeg husker dengang han Äbenbart var i pengebekneb eller lignende, og sendte en anmodning ud. Noget med man skulle skrive fÞdselsdag, eller gave eller noget i den dur, pÄ mobilepay. Men spÞrg juristen him self.

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Manden, som (be)talte sort
5 months ago

Wilders kommer ikke til at spille nogen nĂŠvnevĂŠrdig rolle, blot endnu en karrierepolitiker i rĂŠkken, vi kender det jo selv fra DF.

Nederlandene havde chancen med den lynende begavede og enestÄende Pim Fortuyn, som de desvÊrre fik myrdet.

De fik overtalt en dyrevĂŠrnsaktivist til at udfĂžre forbrydelsen.

En kÊmpe skamplet som Holland aldrig fÄr vasket af skjorten.

5 months ago

SÄ vidt jeg har forstÄet, sÄ er der 150 pladser i parlamentet, sÄ
“If your party scores 10% of the vote, you’ll get 10 seats.”
skal da vist korrigeres til “…you’ll get 15 seats.”
Men jeg hÄber Wilders kommer til fadet.

5 months ago

OT: Hip hip hurraeh! . Nu ogsÄ nej til WHO traktaten i Slovakiet. Den falder snart som dominobrikker. Ikke en vundet krig, kun et vundet slag, men alligevel:


Og nej i Estland:


Last edited 5 months ago by Margrethe
5 months ago
Reply to  Margrethe

Du mÄ ikke komme med sÄdanne nyheder pÄ en lÞrdag, vi kan risikere et chok:-) LÊg mÊrke til at det er forholdsvis nye stater som endnu ikke er vÊvet ind i globalisternes spin, TÊnker Ungarn og Serbien fÞlger trop hvis de ikke allerede har forkastet diktatorernes doktrin.

Herhjemme er vi helt fortabte, men jeg er helt sikker pÄ at det aldrig kan implementeres i Danmark uden en folkeafstemning, jeg har i hvert fald tÊnkt mig at politianmelde de politikere som stÄr bag underskrivelsen sÄ mÄ vi se hvad der sker!

Cat Girl
Cat Girl
5 months ago

Tror det minder en del om da DF vandt og nÞdvendigvis mÄtte eksponere sig selv, som den svindel de altid var. Forskellen er vel blot at Wilders ikke er svindel, men nÊrmere en moderne Glistrup

Holland har gennemgÄet et generelt angreb pÄ deres ejendomsrettigheder, sÄ 1. Det er ikke det sidste sted, vi ser det ske og 2. SÄdan reagerer et folk i Vest Europa efter alle har spillet deres hÄnd, hvilket giver en prÊcis anskuelse af situationen mellem klienter og socialismen, som anfÞrt nedenfor:


Last edited 5 months ago by Cat Girl
Peter Krogsten
Peter Krogsten
5 months ago

Han skriver om Kristendemokraternes Henri Bontenbal at ingen mister 2/3 af mandaterne og bliver siddende. Det gik meget godt for bÄde Tulle og LLR, men straffen kommer til sidst.

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